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Re: crash in NSPathUtilies / UserDefaults (from PikoPixel)

From: Riccardo Mottola
Subject: Re: crash in NSPathUtilies / UserDefaults (from PikoPixel)
Date: Sat, 24 Oct 2015 19:39:19 +0200
User-agent: GNUMail (Version 1.2.2)


On 2015-10-23 19:21:48 +0200 Josh Freeman <address@hidden> wrote:

Hi Riccardo,

From the stack trace, it looks like the recursion begins with the call to [NSObject respondsToSelector: selector] in PPAppBootUtils_PerformNSObjectSelectorAfterAppLoads() (PPAppBootUtilities.m:42).

Apparently on NetBSD, +load methods are called earlier in the app- bootup process than on Linux & Mac - on those platforms, I hadn't seen any issues from calling respondsToSelector: in +load.

This'll be fixed in the next release of PikoPixel by delaying the respondsToSelector: check until after the app loads. In the meantime, you can probably get PikoPixel to run on NetBSD by commenting out the selector check (PPAppBootUtilities.m, lines 42-49):

As both Richard and David suggest - you should do less stuff in +load if possible. Moving to +initialize might help. Of course you can't do that with categories, but it is much better supported. I tried looking up +load and +inizialize and apparently... +load is asking for trouble, it is called very early.

     if (!selector || ![NSObject respondsToSelector: selector])
         NSLog(@"ERROR: Invalid NSObject selector, %@, in "
(selector) ? NSStringFromSelector(selector) : @"NULL");

         goto ERROR;

I will try that on NetBSD next week, so we see if that helps. My goal is actually to check menus and the patch of Fred :)


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