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[GNUnet-SVN] [gnunet] 02/03: ++

From: gnunet
Subject: [GNUnet-SVN] [gnunet] 02/03: ++
Date: Tue, 22 May 2018 11:51:19 +0200

This is an automated email from the git hooks/post-receive script.

ng0 pushed a commit to branch master
in repository gnunet.

commit 067f31e6e330b5348f0979364de7e4038d4594e7
Author: Nils Gillmann <address@hidden>
AuthorDate: Tue May 22 09:26:21 2018 +0000

    Signed-off-by: Nils Gillmann <address@hidden>
 src/dht/ | 184 ++++++++++++++++++++++---------------------
 1 file changed, 96 insertions(+), 88 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/dht/ b/src/dht/
index 2d4ab9adc..05582cbd0 100644
--- a/src/dht/
+++ b/src/dht/
@@ -21,105 +21,113 @@ import subprocess
 import time
 import tempfile
-os.environ["PATH"] = "@bindir@" + ":" + os.environ["PATH"];
+os.environ["PATH"] = "@bindir@" + ":" + os.environ["PATH"]
 if == "nt":
-  tmp = os.getenv ("TEMP")
+    tmp = os.getenv("TEMP")
-  tmp = "/tmp"
+    tmp = "/tmp"
 if == 'nt':
-  get = './gnunet-dht-get.exe'
-  put = './gnunet-dht-put.exe'
-  arm = 'gnunet-arm.exe'
+    get = './gnunet-dht-get.exe'
+    put = './gnunet-dht-put.exe'
+    arm = 'gnunet-arm.exe'
-  get = './gnunet-dht-get'
-  put = './gnunet-dht-put'
-  arm = 'gnunet-arm'
+    get = './gnunet-dht-get'
+    put = './gnunet-dht-put'
+    arm = 'gnunet-arm'
 cfgfile = 'test_dht_api_peer1.conf'
 run_get = [get, '-c', cfgfile]
 run_put = [put, '-c', cfgfile]
 run_arm = [arm, '-c', cfgfile]
-debug = os.getenv ('DEBUG')
+debug = os.getenv('DEBUG')
 if debug:
-  run_arm += [debug.split (' ')]
-def cleanup (exitcode):
-  sys.exit (exitcode)
-def sub_run (args, want_stdo = True, want_stde = False, nofail = False):
-  if want_stdo:
-    stdo = subprocess.PIPE
-  else:
-    stdo = None
-  if want_stde:
-    stde = subprocess.PIPE
-  else:
-    stde = None
-  p = subprocess.Popen (args, stdout = stdo, stderr = stde)
-  stdo, stde = p.communicate ()
-  if not nofail:
-    if p.returncode != 0:
-      sys.exit (p.returncode)
-  return (p.returncode, stdo, stde)
-def fail (result):
-  print (result)
-  r_arm (['-e'], want_stdo = False)
-  cleanup (1)
-def r_something (to_run, extra_args, failer = None, normal = True, **kw):
-  rc, stdo, stde = sub_run (to_run + extra_args, nofail = True, **kw)
-  if failer is not None:
-    failer (to_run + extra_args, rc, stdo, stde, normal)
-  return (rc, stdo, stde)
-def r_arm (extra_args, **kw):
-  return r_something (run_arm, extra_args, **kw)
-def r_get (extra_args, **kw):
-  return r_something (run_get, extra_args, **kw)
-def r_put (extra_args, **kw):
-  return r_something (run_put, extra_args, **kw)
-def end_arm_failer (command, rc, stdo, stde, normal):
-  if normal:
-    if rc != 0:
-      fail ("FAIL: error running {}\nCommand output was:\n{}\n{}".format 
(command, stdo, stde))
-  else:
-    if rc == 0:
-      fail ("FAIL: expected error while running {}\nCommand output 
was:\n{}\n{}".format (command, stdo, stde))
-def print_only_failer (command, rc, stdo, stde, normal):
-  if normal:
-    if rc != 0:
-      print ("FAIL: error running {}\nCommand output was:\n{}\n{}".format 
(command, stdo, stde))
-      cleanup (1)
-  else:
-    if rc == 0:
-      print ("FAIL: expected error while running {}\nCommand output 
was:\n{}\n{}".format (command, stdo, stde))
-      cleanup (1)
-print ("TEST: Starting ARM...", end='')
-r_arm (['-s'], failer = end_arm_failer, want_stdo = False, want_stde = False)
-print ("PASS")
-time.sleep (1)
-print ("TEST: Testing put...", end='')
-r_put (['-k', 'testkey', '-d', 'testdata', '-t', '8'], failer = end_arm_failer)
-print ("PASS")
-time.sleep (1)
-print ("TEST: Testing get...", end='')
-rc, stdo, stde = r_get (['-k', 'testkey', '-T', '50 ms', '-t', '8'], want_stdo 
= True, failer = end_arm_failer)
-stdo = stdo.replace ('\r', '').splitlines ()
+    run_arm += [debug.split(' ')]
+def cleanup(exitcode):
+    sys.exit(exitcode)
+def sub_run(args, want_stdo=True, want_stde=False, nofail=False):
+    if want_stdo:
+        stdo = subprocess.PIPE
+    else:
+        stdo = None
+    if want_stde:
+        stde = subprocess.PIPE
+    else:
+        stde = None
+    p = subprocess.Popen(args, stdout=stdo, stderr=stde)
+    stdo, stde = p.communicate()
+    if not nofail:
+        if p.returncode != 0:
+            sys.exit(p.returncode)
+    return (p.returncode, stdo, stde)
+def fail(result):
+    print(result)
+    r_arm(['-e'], want_stdo=False)
+    cleanup(1)
+def r_something(to_run, extra_args, failer=None, normal=True, **kw):
+    rc, stdo, stde = sub_run(to_run + extra_args, nofail=True, **kw)
+    if failer is not None:
+        failer(to_run + extra_args, rc, stdo, stde, normal)
+    return (rc, stdo, stde)
+def r_arm(extra_args, **kw):
+    return r_something(run_arm, extra_args, **kw)
+def r_get(extra_args, **kw):
+    return r_something(run_get, extra_args, **kw)
+def r_put(extra_args, **kw):
+    return r_something(run_put, extra_args, **kw)
+def end_arm_failer(command, rc, stdo, stde, normal):
+    if normal:
+        if rc != 0:
+            fail("FAIL: error running {}\nCommand output 
was:\n{}\n{}".format(command, stdo, stde))
+    else:
+        if rc == 0:
+            fail("FAIL: expected error while running {}\nCommand output 
was:\n{}\n{}".format(command, stdo, stde))
+def print_only_failer(command, rc, stdo, stde, normal):
+    if normal:
+        if rc != 0:
+            print("FAIL: error running {}\nCommand output 
was:\n{}\n{}".format(command, stdo, stde))
+            cleanup(1)
+    else:
+        if rc == 0:
+            print("FAIL: expected error while running {}\nCommand output 
was:\n{}\n{}".format(command, stdo, stde))
+            cleanup(1)
+print("TEST: Starting ARM...", end='')
+r_arm(['-s'], failer=end_arm_failer, want_stdo=False, want_stde=False)
+print("TEST: Testing put...", end='')
+r_put(['-k', 'testkey', '-d', 'testdata', '-t', '8'], failer=end_arm_failer)
+print("TEST: Testing get...", end='')
+rc, stdo, stde = r_get(['-k', 'testkey', '-T', '50 ms', '-t', '8'], 
want_stdo=True, failer=end_arm_failer)
+stdo = stdo.replace('\r', '').splitlines()
 expect = "Result 0, type 8:\ntestdata".splitlines()
-if len (stdo) != 2 or len (expect) != 2 or stdo[0] != expect[0] or stdo[1] != 
-  fail ("output `{}' differs from expected `{}'".format (stdo, expect))
-print ("PASS")
+if len(stdo) != 2 or len(expect) != 2 or stdo[0] != expect[0] or stdo[1] != 
+    fail("output `{}' differs from expected `{}'".format(stdo, expect))
-r_arm (['-e', '-d'], failer = print_only_failer)
+r_arm(['-e', '-d'], failer=print_only_failer)

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