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[Gnumed-devel] soap notes editor/creator combo? (was improved soap notes

From: James Busser
Subject: [Gnumed-devel] soap notes editor/creator combo? (was improved soap notes creator screenshot)
Date: Fri, 21 Nov 2008 10:41:22 -0800

On 21-Nov-08, at 1:43 AM, Karsten Hilbert wrote:
["Recent Notes" ...] already shrinkable - the right hand side is a horizontal splitter. The handle between recent notes and notes editor can be dragged up and down as needed. The seemingly-one-line SOAP fields do auto-expand upon typing. It is possible to make the recent notes a collapsible pane, too, if that is thought of value.

Once we are happier with better managing the encounter (continue vs new) + RFE + AOE aspects, I think the next important thing could be improving the structured display of existing notes (i.e. making them more- or better-readable).

However -- since the design of a creator may as well be aware of *possibilities* for how the editing function could be dovetailed -- I may as well put out the following ideas, while remaining happy to "dock" the thread, linking from the todo page and listing also as a proposal at Launchpad blueprints.

I was wondering whether the area that used to display "Most Recent Related Note(s)" can be made more powerful/ functional, in order to allow an earlier-saved notelet to be selected and raised for editing when it was recognized to have been improperly or inaccurately recorded.

The idea might be that when a problem is clicked from the left hand list, one line of data per related notelets (maybe datetime and a string from the notelet so"A"p row) would be displayed along the right (or in the area currently occupied by Hints & Tips). At the point where the user would click on one of the notelets, the notelet's contents could be rendered editable in the pane presently serving for "creation".

In other words, within this soap notes plug-in, the user could select to view any notelet, upon whose selection its contents would be shown in the space occupied by the creator. The creator pane would in essence become a review / edit / create new notelet pane. Extra buttons within the pane (left, right arrows) could support scrolling between "previous" (older) and "next" (newer) notelets.

Single-clicking any problem in the left hand list would
- highlight the most recent related notelet (in the list of related notelets) - raise this most recent notelet as the first (primary) tab within the review / edit / create pane - if it is not chosen to edit this notelet, nor to scroll / view earlier ones, the user could click "next" or "new" and be presented with creator functionality.

When the user would single-click a second, third... problem a second review / edit / creator tab would be raised in which to review / edit / create notelets for this second, third... problem.

Double-clicks, instead of single clicks, could be made a condition before a problem at left would be raised into the review / edit / creator tab.

Maybe a single click would only raise the most recent related notelet into the review / edit / area but without exposing an edit button... maybe it should be a double-click on a specific notelet within the list of notelet that makes a notelet editable?

I only just don't know if it will be possible to cache (unsaved) the text of a new soap, in order to permit scrolling back to an earlier notelet, and then restoring (from cache) the unsaved text of the notelet-under-creation. Maybe at the point where a new notelet is being created, the user would lose their ability to scroll (within this plug-in) among the earlier notelets, until after they had committed the notelet-under-creation. I suppose, though, they could review the earlier notelets from inside a different plug-in?

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