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[Gnumed-bugs] Client 1.3.8 hangs trying to add Past History item

From: Busser, Jim
Subject: [Gnumed-bugs] Client 1.3.8 hangs trying to add Past History item
Date: Sat, 10 Aug 2013 00:58:00 +0000

I am not sure if the log is informative, of which I append the snippet from 
after I had searched Spock and then tried to add an item.

I notice that upon the dialog opening, there is a pink background colour to the 


however focus cannot be set within any of the fields, nor do any of the buttons 
work, nor can the window be successfully closed to regain control at the level 
of the main GNUmed window.

By comparison, 1.3.7 does not exhibit this pink background, at least not right 
away upon opening the edit area.

-- Jim

2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.person 
 #378): [spock]: not a search term with a "suggestive" structure
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.person 
 #151): [spock] -> [spock]
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.person 
 #81): running {'cmd': u"\nSELECT DISTINCT ON (pk_identity) * FROM (\n\tSELECT 
* FROM ((\n\t\tSELECT vbp.*, %s::text AS match_type FROM dem.v_basic_person 
vbp, dem.names n WHERE vbp.pk_identity = n.id_identity and lower(n.lastnames) 
~* lower(%s)\n\t) union all (\n\t\t-- first name\n\t\tSELECT vbp.*, %s::text AS 
match_type FROM dem.v_basic_person vbp, dem.names n WHERE vbp.pk_identity = 
n.id_identity and lower(n.firstnames) ~* lower(%s)\n\t) union all (\n\t\t-- 
anywhere in name\n\t\tSELECT\n\t\t\tvbp.*,\n\t\t\t%s::text AS 
match_type\n\t\tFROM\n\t\t\tdem.v_basic_person vbp,\n\t\t\tdem.names 
n\n\t\tWHERE\n\t\t\tvbp.pk_identity = 
n.id_identity\n\t\t\t\tAND\n\t\t\tlower(n.firstnames || ' ' || n.lastnames || ' 
' || coalesce(n.preferred, '')) ~* lower(%s)\n\t)) AS super_list ORDER BY 
lastnames, firstnames, dob\n) AS sorted_list", 'args': ['last name', u'^spock', 
'first name', u'^spock', 'any name part', u'spock']}
2013-08-09 17:48:48  INFO      gm.person 
 #850): 1 matching person(s) found
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.person 
 #1415): patient change [cNull instance] -> [9] requested
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #152): just before switching notebook tabs
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #160): event.GetOldSelection()=-1* -> event.GetSelection()=0
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #163): the following two should match but do not:
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #164):  event.GetOldSelection(): -1
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #165):  notebook.GetSelection(): 0
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #206): just after switching notebook tabs
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #212): event.GetOldSelection()=-1 -> event.GetSelection()=0*
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #215): those two really *should* match:
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #216):  wx.Notebook.GetSelection() (before switch) : 0
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #217):  EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED.GetOldSelection(): -1
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #846): called by notebook plugin API, skipping inbox loading
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1430): new database connection, backend PID: 1252, readonly: False
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1469): access mode [READ WRITE]
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1531): client string encoding [UTF8], isolation level [serializable], time 
zone [America/Dawson]
2013-08-09 17:48:48  ERROR     gm.db 
 #1555): cannot set bytea_output format
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1430): new database connection, backend PID: 1253, readonly: False
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1469): access mode [READ WRITE]
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1531): client string encoding [UTF8], isolation level [serializable], time 
zone [America/Dawson]
2013-08-09 17:48:48  ERROR     gm.db 
 #1555): cannot set bytea_output format
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.emr 
 #1712): first setting of active encounter in this clinical record instance
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.emr 
 #1780): "very recent" encounter [1190] found and re-activated
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1430): new database connection, backend PID: 1254, readonly: False
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1469): access mode [READ WRITE]
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1531): client string encoding [UTF8], isolation level [serializable], time 
zone [America/Dawson]
2013-08-09 17:48:48  ERROR     gm.db 
 #1555): cannot set bytea_output format
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.emr 
 #139): Instantiated clinical record for patient [9].
2013-08-09 17:48:48  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [allg_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [allg_state_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [bill_item_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [clin_narrative_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [comm_channel_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [doc_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [encounter_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [episode_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [family_history_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [health_issue_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [hospital_stay_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [identity_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [identity_tag_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [job_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [message_inbox_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [name_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [narrative_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [procedure_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [substance_intake_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [test_result_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [vacc_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #167): starting to listen for [waiting_list_mod_db:9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG 
 #43): instantiated document folder for patient [9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  INFO 
 #96): no mugshots available for patient [9]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #1017): post_patient_selection
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #152): just before switching notebook tabs
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #160): event.GetOldSelection()=-1* -> event.GetSelection()=0
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #163): the following two should match but do not:
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #164):  event.GetOldSelection(): -1
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #165):  notebook.GetSelection(): 0
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #206): just after switching notebook tabs
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #212): event.GetOldSelection()=-1 -> event.GetSelection()=0*
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #215): those two really *should* match:
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #216):  wx.Notebook.GetSelection() (before switch) : 0
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #217):  EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED.GetOldSelection(): -1
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #846): called by notebook plugin API, skipping inbox loading
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1430): new database connection, backend PID: 1255, readonly: False
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1469): access mode [READ WRITE]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1531): client string encoding [UTF8], isolation level [serializable], time 
zone [America/Dawson]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  ERROR     gm.db 
 #1555): cannot set bytea_output format
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1430): new database connection, backend PID: 1256, readonly: True
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #1463): access mode [READ ONLY]
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #959): expecting 102291 bytes of BYTEA data in chunks of 102291 bytes
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #965): # of chunks: 1; remainder: 0 bytes
2013-08-09 17:48:50  ERROR     gm.db 
 #1114): query failed: [set bytea_output to 'escape']
2013-08-09 17:48:50  ERROR     gm.db 
 #1117): PG error code: 42704
2013-08-09 17:48:50  ERROR     gm.db 
 #1119): PG error message: ERROR:  unrecognized configuration parameter 
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.db 
 #973): failed to set bytea_output to "escape", not necessary
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #835): called by reget-on-paint mixin API
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #152): just before switching notebook tabs
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #160): event.GetOldSelection()=-1* -> event.GetSelection()=0
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #163): the following two should match but do not:
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #164):  event.GetOldSelection(): -1
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #165):  notebook.GetSelection(): 0
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #206): just after switching notebook tabs
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #212): event.GetOldSelection()=-1 -> event.GetSelection()=0*
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #215): those two really *should* match:
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #216):  wx.Notebook.GetSelection() (before switch) : 0
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #217):  EVT_NOTEBOOK_PAGE_CHANGED.GetOldSelection(): -1
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #846): called by notebook plugin API, skipping inbox loading
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #152): just before switching notebook tabs
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #160): event.GetOldSelection()=0* -> event.GetSelection()=3
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #206): just after switching notebook tabs
2013-08-09 17:48:50  DEBUG     gm.ui 
 #212): event.GetOldSelection()=0 -> event.GetSelection()=3*


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