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Re: [gnugo-devel] [Gifu03-E] SGF of 1st day of GIFU CHALLENGE 2003 (fwd)

From: bump
Subject: Re: [gnugo-devel] [Gifu03-E] SGF of 1st day of GIFU CHALLENGE 2003 (fwd)
Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2003 12:26:27 -0700

GoeMate:        black           -26.5

This is Handtalk.

B9 should be at C4.
Moves 35 and 49 develop a group only to abandon it.
85 should be at R13
Move 111 at O11 would keep the connection.

Haruka:         white           -40.5

Haruka's play in the early stages of this game looks
more like high level go than GNU Go or (in my recollection)
Many Faces and Go++.

Move 42: W has two weak groups so has to defend one
of them. This should be at R9 or in the center.

Move 54: W is in trouble in the center as B builds
thickness by attacking.

Go Intellect:   (black)         +14.5

The bottom left corner is badly botched. 

Move 41 must be at E2. 
At move 48, W:B5 would kill. 
Locally Q18 would be better at P18.
Move 71: we have a pattern recently of GNU Go
         neglecting to prevent big kos from
Move 197: The semeai at the bottom is rather
          complex. If this is played at A5, B is
          alive and W is ko. B:B14 is better than
          the game move.
Move 237: Right, now is a good time to tenuki.

KCC:            black           +64.5

Unfortunately, actually W wins by 64.5.


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