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Re: [open-cobol-list] Hi all

From: Patrick
Subject: Re: [open-cobol-list] Hi all
Date: Sun, 26 Jul 2015 19:24:26 -0400
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Hi Martin and Welcome !

I know a lot of people will be happy top hear that there is another young COBOL programmer on his way and I am glad to hear that there was a COBOL course in Sweden(I was in Sweden 20 years ago).

I am not sure of the situation with the C++ branch but I know there are some problems with branches being stuck at 1.1.

You don't really need a C++ branch, you can mix C++ and GnuCOBOL 2.0. You will need to wrap code in extern "C" statements. Perhaps you could start with QT and use 2.0 for callbacks. There are string handling issues, they are covered at the back of the user manual and you can ask here.

I asked about JCL once and the basic answer was DON'T. It appears to be a language that was used to make up for shortcomings in OS that don't exist now.

There isn't a jobs list here. Others might be able to provide more guidance as to where to post.

Sorry I don't know about sqlca. GnuCOBOL works quite well with C if you can program in C, you could mesh mysql and GnuCOBOL by using the straight C API and I am sure there are other ways too.

Welcome again-Patrick

On 07/26/2015 02:24 PM, Martin Lindkvist wrote:
Hi there,
My name is martin Lindkvist from sweden and i have newly graduated from a cobol course in sweden. I have during this year under my studies used GnuCobol 1.1 and realy like it.
I am realy glad to se the new 2.0 comming together. The latest GnuCobol i have found now is GnuCobol-c++  and i dont know if this will mean that we can start to make qt-grafical iterfaces now with Gnucobol... This will be great for me as i'm using kdevelop as my ide.

Right now i use kdevelop with just normal makefile and kate-highlighting and that works good. for debugging i have this terminal app from an italian dude . I asked in the kdevelop forum if they knew if someone was working on support for GNUcobol language (because i hade seen in an relay old mailinglist that some company was making that) but got the answer that they knew noting about anyone doing that. I have aswell seen some where on the gnucobol forum a question abot just that and by that time the answer was no. So i was thinking to ask the question one more time here and aswell inform that i could se that next verion ov kdevelop will run on this crasy non-free system called windblows.

And another question is about jcl... i have found many companys that sells jcl interpreters an so on but do we have one FREEsource for nix like systems?

And a last question...
Is there a mail-list for jobs with GNUcobol?

ohhh i missed one realy last question... right now i'm using a precompiler for mysql but when i compiled the GNUcobol 2.0 and started to look around in the folder i saw a sqlca in the copybook catalog... why is that ?

Martin Lindkvist


Martin Lindkvist


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