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[gnuastro-commits] master 1f55a4b 2/2: Comments above example commands i

From: Mohammad Akhlaghi
Subject: [gnuastro-commits] master 1f55a4b 2/2: Comments above example commands in Invoking sections
Date: Thu, 11 May 2017 14:37:54 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 1f55a4bfdb138bdf8017c0ac7edb466ca7c37eb0
Author: Mohammad Akhlaghi <address@hidden>
Commit: Mohammad Akhlaghi <address@hidden>

    Comments above example commands in Invoking sections
    At the start of every "Invoking ProgramName" section in the manual, there
    is a series of example commands to help the users see how to run the
    program for different purposes. Until now, these were raw commands in all
    programs except Table. However, these raw commands are hard to understand
    for a new user (who isn't even sure what the program does!). So as
    suggested by Rosa Calvi, a comment line was added above each command to
    make them more easier to understand for a beginner and also better describe
    the capabilities of the program in practice.
    In the "Conventions" section of the manual/book, it is now also described
    that a line beginning with `##' is a comment. While writing the comments,
    several potential bugs were also found and corrected.
     - CosmicCalculator's `onlyvolume' option had a typo in its option
       definition and would have been called with `--onlyvolumne'!
     - When printing a final single number, Arithmetic would convert the final
       value's datatype into float32, but try printing the value as float64,
       hence printing terribly wrong values. It now converts to float64 and
       prints as float64.
 THANKS                      |   3 +-
 bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.c |   4 +-
 bin/cosmiccal/args.h        |   2 +-
 doc/gnuastro.texi           | 179 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 4 files changed, 150 insertions(+), 38 deletions(-)

diff --git a/THANKS b/THANKS
index a28ae7c..183b1d0 100644
--- a/THANKS
+++ b/THANKS
@@ -18,6 +18,7 @@ support in Gnuastro. The list is ordered alphabetically.
     Karl Berry                           address@hidden
     Roland Bacon                         address@hidden
     Nicolas Bouché                       address@hidden
+    Rosa Calvi                           address@hidden
     Antonio Diaz Diaz                    address@hidden
     Takashi Ichikawa                     address@hidden
     Brandon Invergo                      address@hidden
@@ -43,4 +44,4 @@ Host institutions of Gnuastro's developers.
     Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan.
     University of Salento, Lecce, Italy.
     Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon, France
-    Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France
\ No newline at end of file
+    Centre national de la recherche scientifique, France
diff --git a/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.c b/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.c
index ed00325..e501c7e 100644
--- a/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.c
+++ b/bin/arithmetic/arithmetic.c
@@ -344,9 +344,9 @@ reversepolish(struct imgarithparams *p)
       /* To simplify the printing process, we will first change it to
          double, then use printf's `%g' to print it, so integers will be
          printed as an integer.  */
-      d2=gal_data_copy_to_new_type(d1, GAL_TYPE_FLOAT32);
+      d2=gal_data_copy_to_new_type(d1, GAL_TYPE_FLOAT64);
       printf("%g\n", *(double *)d2->array);
-      gal_data_free(d2);
+      if(d2!=d1) gal_data_free(d2);
diff --git a/bin/cosmiccal/args.h b/bin/cosmiccal/args.h
index 49529d1..f6acd38 100644
--- a/bin/cosmiccal/args.h
+++ b/bin/cosmiccal/args.h
@@ -101,7 +101,7 @@ struct argp_option program_options[] =
-      "onlyvolumne",
+      "onlyvolume",
diff --git a/doc/gnuastro.texi b/doc/gnuastro.texi
index 3d4c7d9..e6a86b4 100644
--- a/doc/gnuastro.texi
+++ b/doc/gnuastro.texi
@@ -1493,13 +1493,14 @@ In this book we have the following conventions:
-All commands that are to be run on the shell (command-line) prompt as
-the user start with a @command{$}. In case they must be run as a
-super-user or system administrator, they will start with a
address@hidden If the command is in a separate line and next line
address@hidden also in the code type face}, but doesn't have any of the
address@hidden or @command{#} signs, then it is the output of the command
-after it is run. As a user, you don't need to type those lines.
+All commands that are to be run on the shell (command-line) prompt as the
+user start with a @command{$}. In case they must be run as a super-user or
+system administrator, they will start with a single @command{#}. If the
+command is in a separate line and next line @code{is also in the code type
+face}, but doesn't have any of the @command{$} or @command{#} signs, then
+it is the output of the command after it is run. As a user, you don't need
+to type those lines. A line that starts with @command{##} is just a comment
+for explaning the command to a human reader and must not be typed.
 If the command becomes larger than the page width a @key{\} is
@@ -6602,12 +6603,25 @@ $ astfits [OPTION...] ASTRdata
 One line examples:
+## View general information about every extension:
 $ astfits image.fits
-$ astfits image.fits --printallkeys
-$ astfits image.fits --printallkeys | grep NAXIS
+## Print the header keywords in the second HDU (counting from 0):
+$ astfits image.fits -h1 --printallkeys
+## Only print header keywords that contain `NAXIS':
+$ astfits image.fits -h1 --printallkeys | grep NAXIS
+## Copy a HDU from input.fits to out.fits:
 $ astfits input.fits --copy=hdu-name --output=out.fits
+## Update the OLDKEY keyword value to 153.034:
 $ astfits --update=OLDKEY,153.034,"Old keyword comment"
+## Delete one COMMENT keyword and add a new one:
 $ astfits --delete=COMMENT --comment="Anything you like ;-)."
+## Write two new keywords with different values and comments:
 $ astfits --write=MYKEY1,20.00,"An example keyword" --write=MYKEY2,fd
 @end example
@@ -7224,9 +7238,16 @@ $ astconvertt [OPTION...] InputFile [InputFile2] ... 
 One line examples:
-$ astconvertt M31.fits --output=pdf
-$ astconvertt galaxy.jpg -ogalaxy.fits
+## Convert an image in FITS to PDF:
+$ astconvertt image.fits --output=pdf
+## Convert an image in JPEG to FITS:
+$ astconvertt image.jpg -ogalaxy.fits
+## Use three plain text 2D arrays to create an RGB JPEG output:
 $ astconvertt f1.txt f2.txt f3.fits -o.jpg
+## Use two images and one blank for an RGB EPS output:
 $ astconvertt M31_r.fits M31_g.fits blank -oeps
 @end example
@@ -7505,22 +7526,22 @@ $ asttable [OPTION...] InputFile
 One line examples:
-## Get the table column information (name, data type, or units)
+## Get the table column information (name, data type, or units):
 $ asttable bintab.fits --information
-## Only print those columns which have a name starting with "MAG_"
+## Only print those columns which have a name starting with "MAG_":
 $ asttable bintab.fits --column=/^MAG_/
-## Only print the 2nd column, and the third column multiplied by 5
+## Only print the 2nd column, and the third column multiplied by 5:
 $ asttable bintab.fits | awk '@{print $2, address@hidden'
-## Only print those rows with a value in the 10th column above 100000
+## Only print rows with a value in the 10th column above 100000:
 $ asttable bintab.fits | awk '$10>10e5 @address@hidden'
-## Sort the output columns by the third column, save output
+## Sort the output columns by the third column, save output:
 $ asttable bintab.fits | 'sort -k3 > output.txt
-## Convert a plain text table to a binary FITS table
+## Convert a plain text table to a binary FITS table:
 $ asttable plaintext.txt --output=table.fits --tabletype=fits-binary
 @end example
@@ -7902,10 +7923,20 @@ $ astcrop [OPTION...] [ASCIIcatalog] ASTRdata ...
 One line examples:
-$ astcrop -I catalog.txt image.fits
-$ astcrop -W catalog.txt /mnt/data/COSMOS/*_drz.fits
+## Crop all objects in catalog.txt from image.fits:
+$ astcrop catalog.txt image.fits
+## Crop all options in catalog (with RA,DEC) from all the files
+## ending in `_drz.fits' in `/mnt/data/COSMOS/':
+$ astcrop --mode=wcs catalog.txt /mnt/data/COSMOS/*_drz.fits
+## Crop-out the outer 10 border pixels of input image:
 $ astcrop --section=10:*-10,10:*-10 --hdu=2 image.fits
+## Crop region around RA and Dec of (189.16704, 62.218203):
 $ astcrop --ra=189.16704 --dec=62.218203 goodsnorth.fits
+## Crop region around pixel coordinate (568.342, 2091.719):
 $ astcrop --xc=568.342 --yc=2091.719 --iwidth=201 image.fits
 @end example
@@ -8830,13 +8861,26 @@ $ astarithmetic [OPTION...] ASTRdata1 [ASTRdata2] 
 One line examples:
-$ astarithmetic 10.32 3.84 - 2.7 pow            # will print 155.329
+## Calculate (10.32-3.84)^2.7 quietly (will just print 155.329):
+$ astarithmetic -q 10.32 3.84 - 2.7 pow
+## Inverse the input image (1/pixel):
 $ astarithmetic 1 image.fits / --out=inverse.fits
+## Multiply each pixel in image by -1:
 $ astarithmetic image.fits -1 "*" --out=negative.fits
+## Subtract extension 4 from extension 1 (counting from zero):
 $ astarithmetic image.fits image.fits - --out=skysub.fits           \
-                --hdu=0 --hdu=3
+                --hdu=1 --hdu=4
+## Add two images, then divide them by 2 (2 is read as floating point):
 $ astarithmetic image1.fits image2.fits + 2f / --out=average.fits
+## Use Arithmetic's average operator:
 $ astarithmetic image1.fits image2.fits average --out=average.fits
+## Calculate the median of three images in three separate extensions:
 $ astarithmetic img1.fits img2.fits img3.fits median                \
                 -h0 -h1 -h2 --out=median.fits
 @end example
@@ -10227,9 +10271,14 @@ $ astconvolve [OPTION...] ASTRdata
 One line examples:
+## Convolve mockimg.fits with psf.fits:
 $ astconvolve --kernel=psf.fits mockimg.fits
-$ astconvolve observedimg.fits --domain=spatial
-$ astconvolve --kernel=sharperimage.fits --makekernel=10 \
+## Convolve in the spatial domain:
+$ astconvolve observedimg.fits --kernel=psf.fits --domain=spatial
+## Find the kernel to match sharper and blurry PSF images:
+$ astconvolve --kernel=sharperimage.fits --makekernel=10           \
 @end example
@@ -10762,10 +10811,19 @@ $ astwarp [OPTIONS...] InputImage
 One line examples:
+## Rotate and then scale input image:
 $ astwarp --rotate=37.92 --scale=0.8 image.fits
+## Scale, then translate the input image:
 $ astwarp --scale 8/3 --translate 2.1 image.fits
+## Align raw image with celestial coordinates:
 $ astwarp --align rawimage.fits --output=aligned.fits
+## Directly input a custom warping matrix (using fraction):
 $ astwarp --matrix=1/5,0,4/10,0,1/5,4/10,0,0,1 image.fits
+## Directly input a custom warping matrix, with final numbers:
 $ astwarp --matrix="0.7071,-0.7071,  0.7071,0.7071" image.fits
 @end example
@@ -11491,11 +11549,24 @@ $ aststatistics [OPTION ...] InputImage.fits
 One line examples:
+## Print some general statistics of input image:
 $ aststatistics image.fits
-$ aststatistics tab.fits -c/MAG/ --histogram
+## Print some general statistics of column named MAG_F160W:
 $ aststatistics catalog.fits -h1 --column=MAG_F160W
+## Make the histogram of the column named MAG_F160W:
+$ aststatistics table.fits -cMAG_F160W --histogram
+## Find the Sky value on image with a given kernel:
 $ aststatistics image.fits --sky --kernel=kernel.fits
-$ aststatistics cat.fits -cMAG -g26 -l27 --sigmaclip=3,0.2
+## Print Sigma-clipped results of records with a MAG_F160W
+## column value between 26 and 27:
+$ aststatistics cat.fits -cMAG_F160W -g26 -l27 --sigmaclip=3,0.2
+## Print the median value of all records in column MAG_F160W that
+## have a value larger than 3 in column PHOTO_Z:
 $ aststatistics tab.txt -rPHOTO_Z -g3 -cMAG_F160W --median
 @end example
@@ -12150,7 +12221,12 @@ $ astnoisechisel [OPTION ...] InputImage.fits
 One line examples:
+## Detect signal in input.fits:
 $ astnoisechisel input.fits
+## Detect signal assuming input has 4 channels along first dimension
+## and 1 along the second. Also set the regular tile size to 100 along
+## both dimensions:
 $ astnoisechisel --numchannels=4,1 --tilesize=100,100 input.fits
 @end example
@@ -13406,9 +13482,20 @@ $ astmkcatalog [OPTION ...] InputImage.fits
 One line examples:
-$ astmkcatalog -mdri input.fits
-$ astmkcatalog --output=cat input_labeled.fits
+## Create catalog with RA, Dec, Magnitude and Magnitude error,
+## `input.fits' is NoiseChisel's output:
+$ astmkcatalog --ra --dec --magnitude --magnitudeerr input.fits
+## Same catalog as above (using short options):
+$ asmkcatalog -rdmG input.fits
+## Write the catalog to a FITS table:
+$ astmkcatalog -mpQ --output=cat.fits input_labeled.fits
+## Read the columns to create from `columns.conf':
 $ astmkcatalog --config=columns.conf input_labeled.fits
+## Use different images for the objects and clumps inputs:
 $ astmkcatalog --objectsfile=K_labeled.fits --objectshdu=1    \
                --clumpsfile=K_labeled.fits --clumpshdu=2 i_band.fits
 @end example
@@ -14582,9 +14669,17 @@ $ astmkprof [OPTION ...] [BackgroundImage] Catalog
 One line examples:
-$ astmkprof --xcol=1 --ycol=2 catalog.txt
-$ astmkprof --background=img.fits catalog.txt
-$ astmkprof --racol=ra_center --ycol=dec_center catalog.txt
+## Make an image with profiles in catalog.txt (with default size):
+$ astmkprof catalog.txt
+## Make the profiles in catalog.txt over image.fits:
+$ astmkprof --background=image.fits catalog.txt
+## Make profiles in catalog, using RA and Dec in the given column:
+$ astmkprof --racol=RA_CENTER --ycol=DEC_CENTER catalog.txt
+## Make a 1500x1500 merged image (oversampled 500x500) image along
+## with an individual image for all the profiles in catalog:
 $ astmkprof --individual --oversample 3 -x500 -y500 catalog.txt
 @end example
@@ -15396,6 +15491,7 @@ $ astmknoise [OPTION ...] InputImage.fits
 One line examples:
+## Add noise to input image assuming background and instrumental noise:
 $ astmknoise --background=1000 --stdadd=20 mockimage.fits
 @end example
@@ -15779,9 +15875,15 @@ $ astcosmiccal [OPTION...] ...
 One line examples:
-$ astcosmiccal --onlyvolume -z 0.8
-$ astcosmiccal -l0.6964 -m0.3036 -z2.1
-$ astcosmiccal --olambda=0.6964 --omatter=0.3036 --redshift=2.1
+## Print basic cosmological properties at redshift 2.5:
+$ astcosmiccal -z2.5
+## Only print Comoving volume over 4pi stradian to z (Mpc^3):
+$ astcosmiccal --onlyvolume --redshift=0.8
+## Assume Lambda and matter density of 0.7 and 0.3 and print
+## basic cosmological parameters for redshift 2.1:
+$ astcosmiccal -l0.7 -m0.3 -z2.1
 @end example
 The input parameters can be given as command-line options or in the
@@ -16499,9 +16601,18 @@ $ astbuildprog [OPTION...] C_SOURCE_FILE
 One line examples:
+## Compile, link and run `myprogram.c':
+$ astbuildprog myprogram.c
+## Compile and link `myprogram.c', then run it with `image.fits'
+## as its argument:
 $ astbuildprog myprogram.c image.fits
+## Also look in other directories for headers and linking:
 $ astbuildprog -Lother -Iother/dir myprogram.c
-$ astbuildprog myprogram.c --onlybuild image.fits catalog.txt
+## Just build (compile and link) `myprogram.c', don't run it:
+$ astbuildprog --onlybuild myprogram.c
 @end example
 If BuildProgram is to run, it needs a C programming language source file as

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