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[Gnu-arch-users] Re: Deleting at archive I created by mistake?

From: Matthieu Moy
Subject: [Gnu-arch-users] Re: Deleting at archive I created by mistake?
Date: Mon, 25 Jul 2005 23:01:04 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110003 (No Gnus v0.3) Emacs/21.4 (gnu/linux)

James Ashley <address@hidden> writes:

> 1) I created my first archive with a couple of categories a couple of
> weeks ago.  Each category is an almost completely unrelated project.  Is
> it generally considered a "better practice" to split those categories
> into different archives?  From the little research I've done so far, it
> looks pretty trivial to do this if a reason ever comes up, but I just
> wanted others' opinions.

As you wish. I split my archives depending on where they will be
hosted and who will have access to it. I have a -private and a -public
archive, and another for a project hosted on sourceforge, for which
the maintainer will change in the future. I also have one (or several,
sometimes) test archive that I also keep private to avoid disturbing
people with my tests.

> 2) I started to work on another project earlier, broke out the
> "cookbook" I used to add the first 2 projects, and made a new archive as
> a subdirectory of the first archive.  What I meant to do was make a new
> category.  I haven't done anything at all since then. I can't find any
> information about deleting an archive, except one old thread about
> problems a developer had after doing so (and it wasn't a situation like
> this at all).  Would it be safe for me to just delete that directory and
> forget it, or is there metadata stored somewhere I'm not seeing? 

There may be some metadata at least in your revision library if you've
set up one, in your arch cache if you're using bazaar or a branch of
tla supporting cache, in the patchlog of people having merged from
you, in mirrors that people may have been made.

All of them are not a problem 
  *as long as you don't recreate another archive with the same name*

(that's the important point)

> Ah, I just found that.  ~/.arch-param/=locations.  

and ~/.arch-param/archives/ for bazaar.

> I'm glad I didn't just delete the directory. So what's the proper
> way to make arch "forget" that archive?

register-archive -d


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