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Re: GSM Modems

From: Guido Falsi
Subject: Re: GSM Modems
Date: Thu, 13 Nov 2008 20:02:57 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20080927)

Bishal wrote:
Hello Michael,

    Will Wavecom GSM modem work on FreeBSD OS and how much is the cost of

wavecom GSM modem? I am trying to implement the network monitoring but

could not find any here.

I'm the maintainer of the gnokii FreeBSD port and a system administrator.

Hi, I don't know about wacom GSM modems. We have a digicom one at work, which works flawlessly on the FreeBSD machine I installed Nagios on.

My suggestion is to take a serial one. In this way you are sure it will work with any OS, and you will be able to command it using any software...gnokii but also others.

Avoid USB ones. Some may work and be identified as USB serial devices. But some will be seen as ugen or other devices and require special drivers not provided for any OS except windows.

Hope this helps.

Guido Falsi <address@hidden>

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