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gnapplet crash 6630 and smsd crash

From: Per Lorentzen
Subject: gnapplet crash 6630 and smsd crash
Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 08:19:14 -0700


I set up a system with Debian stable, but due to presumed obsolescence, I installed a Debian test version.
On the stable system, I used a 6630 with DKU-2 (serial) and managed to send SMSs, but never to receive using gnokii.

On the test system, I got the new software.
I found that the 6630 does not at all support AT commands for acquiring SMS info (memory bank names are blank and several AT commands result in errors)

I installed the bluetooth drivers, as apparently the 6630 symbian (gnapplet) does not support DKU-2 serial.

Went pretty fine after a while. Made gnapplet respond to --ident and also succeeded in sending SMSs


/usr/sbin/smsd -u root -d smsgw -c localhost -m mysql -b IN -f /var/log/smsdaemon.log
results in segmentation fault

gnokii --monitor
kills gnapplet and keeps running (until ^c)

gnokii --getsms ME 1 end
says: invalid type of memory

gnokii --getsms IN 1 end
kills gnapplet
(same for gnokii --getsms IN 1 2)

gnokii --getsms OU 1 10
Does NOT kill gnapplet, but fails with (The given location is empty) which is probably OK.

gnokii --getsmsc 1 10
does not kill gnapplet, but says that the memory location is invalid (could be me)

I did get the gnokii version 0.6.26 with apt-get for debian test
I did pick the gnapplet from the 0.6.26 source code.
Note: On the phone, it says gnap version 1.00

I'll be trying to get hold of some other phones for testing. Been reading many posts, but found no solution.

Thanks for your support


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