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Re: gnokii 0.6.15

From: Jari Turkia
Subject: Re: gnokii 0.6.15
Date: Tue, 08 May 2007 15:23:31 +0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (Windows/20070326)

Pawel Kot wrote:
I think it didn't attach correctly. Could you resend please?

It may not survive ML-send. I'll send it directly to you.
        char *aux = strndup(str, len);
Could you please see the latest CVS? I fixed this one for Solaris
yesterday and it should work for win32 as well.

Ok. It does work. I kicked the nightly builder and recent Win32 0.6.15 CVS build is available.

-        "MsmKey" = "8:_B5A67F4C9917AE82DD99C08E553F87C3"
That looks strange.

Don't blame the messenger. I didn't define MS VisualC++ project file format. :-)


This is very typical on Windows development tools. Don't ask any questions. If you get any answers, you won't like them. :-)

Jari Turkia

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