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Re: --config and --phone options for gnokii

From: conon
Subject: Re: --config and --phone options for gnokii
Date: Thu, 10 Aug 2006 08:24:20 +0800
User-agent: KMail/1.9.3

On Thursday 10 August 2006 04:00, Pawel Kot wrote:
> Hi,
> On 8/9/06, conon <address@hidden> wrote:
> > Is there an option to list the sections found ?
> There is no such function yet.
Shouldnt be too hard - you already search the config for a particular section
> > It would be useful for a gui.
> You mean xgnokii?
Any gui
> > It would also be useful if the gui did not crash if there was no phone
> > plugged in.
> Yeah. And when if it would reconnect automatically. Any volunteer to
> prepare the patch? ;)
Why does it HAVE to connect automatically?
> > Or gave a phone selection dialog using the above query.
> When specifically?
At user request and at start up (if there is more than 1 installed phone).

How hard would it be to search for -
1. Any connected phones in the config?
2. A generic probe to identify ohones ?

regs conon
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