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From: Pavel Machek
Subject: Re:
Date: Sun, 15 Jan 2006 18:08:11 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.5.9i

On Čt 12-01-06 03:04:33, Luke Kenneth Casson Leighton wrote:
> if anyone's interested, i've started an experiment to create a gnokii
> qt app, to be compiled up initially on x86, then primarily targetted
> at qt/embedded.

I did something like that, it should be in gnokii cvs, project zphone.

> xgnokii is totally unsuited to 240x320 or even 640x480 screens.
> plus it's gtk-based, and i despise gnome and am not a great fan of
> gtk.

> anyway.
> can anyone tell me: do i stand a decent chance of being able to
> develop _independent_ programs that don't clash - such as one
> app that does SMS, another that does phone (only), another that
> does contact / address-book?
> all of which go via gnokiid, which then "deals" with any conflicts?
> am i along the right lines, here?

Some development to allow that is ongoing; I don't think you can do it

> ideally i want to write a plugin to, say... the opie contacts
> thing that uses libgnokii to contact gnokiid whilst the phone app
> qomunicator is also running, and to _not_ run into any difficulties.

How is qomunicator related to gomunicator?

Thanks, Sharp!

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