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gammu 1.02.12, Nokia 6230, BlueTooth, Mac OS X

From: bernd_muc
Subject: gammu 1.02.12, Nokia 6230, BlueTooth, Mac OS X
Date: Tue, 20 Sep 2005 20:56:09 +0200

Hello everyone,

after searching the archive for days, I finally came to the conclusion that I really need to post my problem here. :-)

I have compiled gammu on my PowerBook, Mac OS X 10.4.2 (with some warnings). I saw one thread here on the list where it says that IOBlueTooth-something was found during ./configure - however, when I run ./configure of this version, I don't see anything IOKit related.

When I do gammu --identify my 6230 beeps but tells me "Connection failed".

In the terminal, I get

$ ./gammu --identify
[Gammu            - 1.02.12 built 19:50:14 Sep 20 2005 in gcc 4.0]
[Connection       - "fbusblue"]
[Model type       - ""]
[Device           - "/dev/tty.Nokia6230"]
[Module           - "auto"]
Getting model
SENDING frame type 0xD1/length 0x05/5
00 |01 |00 |03 |00                                             .....
[Retrying 1 type 0xD1]
SENDING frame type 0xD1/length 0x05/5
00 |01 |00 |03 |00                                             .....
[Retrying 2 type 0xD1]
SENDING frame type 0xD1/length 0x05/5
00 |01 |00 |03 |00                                             .....
[ERROR 14: No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected.]
No response in specified timeout. Probably phone not connected.

Here's my .gammurc:

port = /dev/tty.Nokia6230
#model =
connection = fbusblue
#synchronizetime = yes
#logfile = $HOME/gammulog
logformat = textall
#use_locking = yes
#gammuloc = locfile
#startinfo = yes
#gammucoding = utf8

What needs to be done to run gammu with BlueTooth on Mac OS X? Probably there's a problem with the PIN but I don't have any idea how that works on Mac OS X. I wonder a little bit that there is no FAQ or Mac readme because I don't think I am that alone...

Best regards,

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