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Re: "Send as Long SMS" problems

From: Richard Sadie
Subject: Re: "Send as Long SMS" problems
Date: Thu, 01 Sep 2005 19:08:59 +0200
User-agent: Mozilla Thunderbird 1.0.6 (X11/20050730)

Hi Pawel,

Thanks very much for your help.

I upgraded to gnokii 0.6.8 (I tried to uprade to the CVS version but didn't manage to install it successfully sorry:/)

Here is what happened:

address@hidden ~ $ gnokii --sendsms <mobilenumber>  --long 200
GNOKII Version 0.6.8
LOG: debug mask is 0x1
phone instance config:
model: 6310i
port_device: 00:02:EE:86:5C:2E
connection_type: 5
init_length: 0
serial_baudrate: 19200
serial_write_usleep: -1
hardware_handshake: 0
require_dcd: 0
smsc_timeout: 100
rfcomm_cn: 0
sm_retry: off
Serial device: opening device 00:02:EE:86:5C:2E
Getting model...
Message sent: 0x1b / 0x0006
00 01 00 07 01 00                               |
Message received: 0x1b / 0x0032
01 2f 00 08 00 01 58 2d 00 26 56 20 34 2e 38 30 |  /    X- &V 4.80
0a 31 31 2d 30 37 2d 30 32 0a 4e 50 4c 2d 31 0a |  11-07-02 NPL-1
28 63 29 20 4e 4d 50 2e 20 20 20 20 20 0a 43 00 | (c) NMP.      C
00 00                                           |
Received message type 1b
model length: 5
Received model NPL-1
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0006
00 01 00 14 01 00                               |
Message received: 0x02 / 0x0022
01 5d 00 15 00 01 0b 1c 01 e9 00 00 ff 02 82 0c |  ]
02 08 07 91 72 38 01 00 00 f2 81 08 02 00 00 00 |     r8
00 00                                           |
Received message type 02
Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
SMSC Received
Please enter SMS text. End your input with <cr><control-D>:This is an extremely long sms the purpose of which is to test whether sending an sms using gnokii in "long sms" (concatenated) to my phone will work as it should. Let's hope it works :-)

General Data Coding
dcs: 0x0
Length: 0xbb
user_data_length: 0xa4
ValidityIndicator: 2
user_data: 54747A0E4ACF416137A88CA7CBCBED323B0F62BFDD67D0BC3D07D1D16510BC2E87BFE765D0DB0CBAA3D36334283D07D1DF207A794E07DDD1653ABA2C07CDCB6E72DA7D0685DDA0797B0EAACFD3EE33E8EC7EAFD36950DA0D12B1DFEE3368DE9E8B40A8F1DB3D0ED3CBEE30BD4C4E81E86F503B0F82A3DFEE32E89E66B341F7B77C0D0ACF41693A688E7ED7D964178859A69FE620F41B5E06A5E9A0FB5BBE9E8374AD9402
SMS is too long? 164
Will need 2 sms-es
Sending sms #0
Adding ConcatMsg header
General Data Coding
dcs: 0x0
Length: 0x22
user_data_length: 0x24
ValidityIndicator: 2
user_data: 050003CE0201A8E8F41C949E83C26E50194F9797DB65761EC47EBBCFA0797B0EA2A3CB20
Sending SMS...(86)
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x0056
00 01 00 02 00 00 00 55 55 01 02 4c 51 00 00 00 |        UU  LQ
00 04 82 0c 01 08 0b 91 72 38 47 02 75 f8 82 0c |         r8G u
02 08 07 91 72 38 01 00 00 f2 80 28 24 22 05 00 |     r8     ($"
03 ce 02 01 a8 e8 f4 1c 94 9e 83 c2 6e 50 19 4f |             nP O
97 97 db 65 76 1e c4 7e bb cf a0 79 7b 0e a2 a3 |    ev  ~   y{
cb 20 08 04 01 a9                               |
Message received: 0x02 / 0x000e
01 5d 00 03 00 01 0c 08 00 00 15 08 98 00       |  ]
Received message type 02
Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
SMS sent
Sending sms #1
Adding ConcatMsg header
General Data Coding
dcs: 0x0
Length: 0x99
user_data_length: 0x8c
ValidityIndicator: 2
user_data: 050003CE0202E07539FC3D2F83DE66D01D9D1EA341E93988FE06D1CB733AE88E2ED3D16539685E7693D3EE3328EC06CDDB73507D9E769F4167F77B9D4E83D26E9088FD769F41F3F65C04428DDFEE71985E7687E965720A447F83DA79101CFD769741F7349B0DBABFE56B50780E4AD34173F4BBCE26BB40CC32FD3407A1DFF032284D07DDDFF2F51CA46BA514
Sending SMS...(190)
Message sent: 0x02 / 0x00be
00 01 00 02 00 00 00 55 55 01 02 b4 51 00 00 00 |        UU   Q
00 04 82 0c 01 08 0b 91 72 38 47 02 75 f8 82 0c |         r8G u
02 08 07 91 72 38 01 00 00 f2 80 90 8c 99 05 00 |     r8
03 ce 02 02 e0 75 39 fc 3d 2f 83 de 66 d0 1d 9d |      u9 =/  f
1e a3 41 e9 39 88 fe 06 d1 cb 73 3a e8 8e 2e d3 |   A 9     s:  .
d1 65 39 68 5e 76 93 d3 ee 33 28 ec 06 cd db 73 |  e9h^v   3(    s
50 7d 9e 76 9f 41 67 f7 7b 9d 4e 83 d2 6e 90 88 | P} v Ag { N  n
fd 76 9f 41 f3 f6 5c 04 42 8d df ee 71 98 5e 76 |  v A  \ B   q ^v
87 e9 65 72 0a 44 7f 83 da 79 10 1c fd 76 97 41 |   er D   y   v A
f7 34 9b 0d ba bf e5 6b 50 78 0e 4a d3 41 73 f4 |  4     kPx J As
bb ce 26 bb 40 cc 32 fd 34 07 a1 df f0 32 28 4d |   & @ 2 4    2(M
07 dd df f2 f5 1c a4 6b a5 14 08 04 01 a9       |        k
Message received: 0x02 / 0x000e
01 5d 00 03 00 01 0c 08 00 00 16 26 8e 00       |  ]         &
Received message type 02
Frame of type 0x02 (SMS handling) received!
SMS sent
Send succeeded!
Serial device: closing device
---------------------end of output---------------------------

The sms was actually sent to my own phone and I received the "long sms" without problems!

I tried "Send as Long SMS" in xgnokii again (which is now using gnokii 0.6.8) but it still failed :(

Thanks so much for your help.

--richard :)

----- Original Message -----
From: Pawel Kot <address@hidden>
To: "Discussion forum for gnokii users." <address@hidden>
Sent: 08/31/2005 12:08:44 AM +0200
Subject: "Send as Long SMS" problems


2005/8/30, Richard Sadie <address@hidden>:
I am running gnokii 0.6.7 using xgnokii 20040720 connecting to my nokia
6310i via bluetooth (rfcomm).

Almost everything seems to work well but if I send an sms that is over
160 chars (ie it shows that it must go as 2 smses) it won't send if I
check the "Send as Long SMS" box. It fails saying: "SMS send to <mobile
number> failed (error=1)"

 - upgrade gnokii to the most recent version (CVS preferable)
 - enable debug in config
 - try to run it with gnokii --sendsms
 - show the output (you may want to hide the numbers, imei and such
things from the output)

take care,

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