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writephonebook vcf, ldiff

From: Oliver Jusinger
Subject: writephonebook vcf, ldiff
Date: Sun, 12 Sep 2004 11:26:31 +0200

i have my phonebook entries organised in kaddressbook, so i need to
write them back to my mobil in vcf or ldiff format, i don't have them in
raw format (does anybody know a converter?)

cat addressbook.ldif |  gnokii --writephonebook --find-free -l -m ME  
and cat addressbook.vcf | gnokii --writephonebook --find-free -v -m ME

however asks for overwrite y/n, although i say --find-free to prevent
this. it seems that this parameter is just used when writing raw data?

using --overwrite instead --find-free puts every adress in my files on
the first place of my mobile addressbook. the result is, that after
writing only the last address exists on my mobile.

i also tried kaddressbook: "file/export/nokia.."

a) add to existing entries:
no entries are written, instead i get:

"Received message type 03
kaddressbook: ERROR: ERROR 17: Invalid type of memory.
kaddressbook: WARNING: Try to write entry 'somename' at
phone_entry_no=1000, phone_count=0"
1000 times (phone_entry_no counting from 1 to 1000).

b) overwrite existing entries:
only some few addresses from kaddressbook are written. the last output
during export is "kaddressbook: WARNING: GNOKII export filter

i tried every kind of export with an empty phonebook on my mobile.

my configuration: 
current debian unstable,
GNOKII Version 0.6.3,
kde-bluetooth from,
Nokia 6230, using "model = 6310" in gnokiirc,

Oliver Jusinger

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