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Gnokii and Nokia 3310

From: Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
Subject: Gnokii and Nokia 3310
Date: Thu, 25 Mar 2004 13:16:08 +0800
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.6) Gecko/20040116

Hello all,

I have just purchased an FBUS from my local mobile phone shop. I tried gnokii and gammu with the cable connected to my 3310 hand phone.

Initially, both software cannot connect to the phone. I suspect the cable not working. After testing with LogoManager on a Windows machine, LogoManager can connect and communicate properly with the cable and phone.

The gammu cannot detect initially because of misconfiguration in the gammurc file. After changing the configuration in gammurc, I can connect properly with my phone. The changed configuration are port and connection where connection = fbus

In gnokiirc, I changed the port to /dev/ttyS1 and tried several connection type like serial, dau9p and dlr3p but cannot connect to my phone.

I attached the configuration for gammu and gnokii, and also the debug output for gnokii. Thank you.

Sharuzzaman Ahmat Raslan
GNOKII Version 0.6.0
phone instance config:
model: 3310
port_device: /dev/ttyS1
connection_type: 0
init_length: 0
serial_baudrate: 9600
serial_write_usleep: -1
hardware_handshake: 0
require_dcd: 0
smsc_timeout: 100
Serial device: opening device /dev/ttyS1
Serial device: setting speed to 115200
Serial device: setting RTS to low and DTR to high
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
SM_Block Retry - 1
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
SM_Block Retry - 1
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
SM_Block Retry - 0
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
SM_Block Retry - 1
Message sent: 0x40 / 0x0004
00 01 64 01                                     |   d             
Telephone interface init failed: Command timed out.
# This is a sample ~/.gammurc file.
# In Unix/Linux  copy it into your home directory and name it .gammurc
#                or into /etc and name it gammurc
# In Win32       copy it into directory with Gammu.exe and name gammurc
# More about parameters later
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------


port = /dev/ttyS0
#model = 6110
connection = fbus
#synchronizetime = yes
#logfile = gammulog
#logformat = textall
#use_locking = yes
#gammuloc = locfile
#startinfo = yes
#gammucoding = utf8


#port = /dev/ttyS0
#model = 6110
#connection = dlr3
#synchronizetime = yes
#logfile = gammulog
#logformat = textall
#use_locking = yes
#gammuloc = locfile
#startinfo = yes
#gammucoding = utf8

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Now info about "Connection" parameter and connected with it port type
# (more about port types later)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "Connection" parameter | Port type | More details
# -----------------------|-----------|-----------------------------------------
# "fbus"                 | serial    | Nokia FBUS2
# "fbusirda"/"infrared"  | serial    | Nokia FBUS2 over direct infrared device
# "fbusdlr3"/"dlr3"      | serial    | Nokia FBUS2 with DLR3 cable
# "fbusdku5"             | dku5      | Nokia FBUS2 with DKU5 cable. WIN32 ONLY
# "fbuspl2303"           | usb       | Nokia FBUS2 with USB cable based on
#                        |           | PL2303 chip.
# "fbusblue"             | serial    | Nokia FBUS2 over Bluetooth serial device
# "phonetblue"           | serial    | Nokia PHONET FBUS over Bluetooth serial
#                        |           | device
# "mrouterblue"          | serial    |
# "mbus"                 | serial    | Nokia MBUS2
# "at19200"/"at115200"/..| serial    | AT commands.8 bits, None parity, 1 stop
#                        |           | bit, no flow control
# -----------------------|-----------|-----------------------------------------
# "irdaphonet"/"irda"    | irda      | Nokia PHONET FBUS over socket infrared
# "irdaat"               | irda      | AT commands with socket infrared
# "irdaobex"             | irda      | OBEX over socket infrared. MODEL "obex"
# -----------------------|-----------|-----------------------------------------
# "bluephonet"           | BT        | Nokia PHONET FBUS with Bluetooth stack
# "bluefbus"/"dlr3blue"  | BT        | Nokia FBUS2 with Bluetooth stack
# "blueat"/"atblue"      | BT        | AT commands with Bluetooth stack
# "blueobex"             | BT        | OBEX with Bluetooth. MODEL "obex"
# Now more about port types and connected with it "Port" parameter
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Port type | "Port" parameter in Windows/DOS | "Port" parameter in Linux/Unix
# ----------|---------------------------------|--------------------------------
# serial    | "com*:"                         | "/dev/ttyS*"
#           | (example "com1:")               | (example "/dev/ttyS1")
#           |                                 | or "/dev/tts/**" (with DevFS)
# ----------|---------------------------------|--------------------------------
# irda      | ignored (can be empty)          | "/dev/ircomm*"
# ----------|---------------------------------|--------------------------------
# BT        |                 Bluetooth device address
#           |                 (example "")
# ----------|---------------------------------|--------------------------------
# dku5      | ignored (can be empty)          | connection with it not possible
# ----------|---------------------------------|--------------------------------
# usb       | connection with it not possible | "/dev/ttyUSB*"
# Other config parameters
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Parameter name  | Description
# ----------------|------------------------------------------------------------
# Model           | use only, when Gammu doesn't recognize your phone model.
#                 | Put it here. Example values: "6110", "6150", "6210", "8210"
# SynchronizeTime | if you want to set time from computer to phone during
#                 | starting connection. Do not rather use this option when
#                 | when to reset phone during connection (in some phones need
#                 | to set time again after restart)
# GammuLoc        | name of localisation file
# StartInfo       | this option allow to set, that you want (setting "yes")
#                 | to see message on the phone screen or phone should enable
#                 | light for a moment during starting connection. Phone
#                 | WON'T beep during starting connection with this option.
# GammuCoding     | forces using specified codepage (in win32 - for example
#                 | "1250" will force CP1250) or UTF8 (in Linux - "utf8")
# ----------------|------------------------------------------------------------
# Logfile         | Use, when want to have logfile from communication.
# Logformat       | What debug info and format should be used:
#                 |   "nothing" - no debug level (default)
#                 |   "text"    - transmission dump in text format
#                 |   "textall" - all possible info in text format
#                 |   "errors"  - errors in text format
#                 |   "binary"  - transmission dump in binary format
# ----------------|------------------------------------------------------------
# Use_Locking     | under Unix/Linux use "yes", if want to lock used device
#                 | to prevent using it by other applications. In win32 ignored
# This is a sample ~/.gnokiirc file.  Copy it into your
# home directory and name it .gnokiirc.


# Set port to the physical serial port used to connect to your phone.
# Linux version is:
port = /dev/ttyS1
# For MacOSX you will need something like:
# port = /dev/cu.USA28X1P1.1
# Use this setting also for the Bluetooth connection:
# port = aa:bb:cc:dd:ee:ff
# Set model to the model number of your phone
model = 3310

# Initlength controls the number of characters sent to the
# phone during initialisation.  You can either set it to
# the word "default" or a positive integer.
# You can try setting this value if you want to connect
# to the phone quicker.  If you've never noticed the
# connection to be slow, it is suggested that you 
# leave this alone.  Read the initialisation code in fbus-xxxx
# to understand what this changes if you're curious.
initlength = default

# The type of the connection, for IR set this to infrared or irda.
# For the nk6110 driver only infrared is valid for the IrDA connection.
# See Docs/gnokii-ir-howto for more detailes on this.
# If you have 6210/6250/7110 phone and dau9p cable (the one you can
# use with 6100 series and cannot use hardware modem from the phone)
# you may want to use 'dau9p' value to get faster initialization.
# If you use dlr3 or dlr3p cable for nokia phones in FBUS mode (ie.
# you don't use model = AT) you may want to use 'dlr3p' value here.
# Note that it is recommended and currently the best way to use this
# cable with nk6510 driver.
connection = serial
#connection = dau9p

# Set bindir to point to the location of the various gnokii binaries.
# In particular ensure that mgnokiidev is in this location, with
# permissions 4750, owned by root, group gnokii.  Ensure you
# are in the gnokii group and that the group exists...
bindir = /usr/local/sbin/

# Set this to 'yes' if you want gnokii to set and check the lock file in
# /var/lock directory. It avoids potential conflicts with other serial
# port software (eg. minicom). If you have wrong permissions for the
# directory, a warning will be generated. If you don't want a lockfile, set
# it to 'no'.
use_locking = yes

# Baudrate to use on serial port connections.
# Currently used only by models AT and BIP/CIMD. Defaults to 19200.
serial_baudrate = 9600

# Force waiting after each send character the specified usec time.
# Value -1 forces the fastest 'block' writing,
# value 0 writes each character separately without any explicite waiting,
# other positive values specify the appropriate 1/1000000 sec delaying.
# Siemens M20 requires at least "1"!  FIXME: Model-driven autodetection
#serial_write_usleep = 10000

# Force serial port handshaking mode, useful primarily for "AT" model.
# Gnokii "AT" model uses software handshake by default.
# Possible values: hardware (RTS/CTS - 7 wires) or software (XON/XOFF - 3 wires)
#handshake = software

# If defined (not commented out by '#') it will quit Gnokii anytime
# when DCD line will drop.
#require_dcd = 1

# If you are using a bluetooth connection, you can specify the rfcomm
# channel number here. Default value is 1.
#rfcomm_channel = 1

# Run the specified script(s) right after opening and initializing the device
# and before any communucation (right before closing for disconnect_script).
# You may find handy to use it to connect your modem to SMS Center
# when using BIP or CIMD protocols
# Non-absolute path is relative to the specific directory where gnokii is run!
#connect_script = /absolute/path/to/gnokii/Docs/sample/cimd-connect
#disconnect_script =

# When sending SMS you can experience timeouts. This is the feature of the
# overloaded SMSCs. The phones waits for the response from the SMSC confirming
# that it received the short message. When the SMSC is DoSed with many requests
# it will take more time to get the response. Adjust it to your needs. The
# value is given in seconds to wait. Defaults to 10 seconds. Set to 0 to wait
# forever.
smsc_timeout = 10

# Any entries in the following two sections will be set as environment
# variables when running the scripts.
# Handy for use for $VAR substitutions in your chat(8) script.
TELEPHONE = 12345678

# The following parameters control how libgnokii handle the debugging messages.
# Currently there are three categories: "debug" controls the libgnokii
# normal debug output, "rlpdebug" controls the debug output of the RLP
# subsystem, and "xdebug" is used by the xgnokii or smsd.


# where to log the debug output (on: stderr)
debug = on

# where to log the rlp debug output (on: stderr)
rlpdebug = on

# where to log X debug output (on: stderr)
xdebug = on

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