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Re: What is the correct sequence?

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: What is the correct sequence?
Date: Mon, 19 May 2003 11:47:36 +0200 (CEST)

On Wed, 14 May 2003, Eduardo Garcia wrote:

> Hi always have excelent help in this forum...
> Why I think that speak alone now????
> Please, anybody answer me at minimal "I don't know" or "Please, don't be
> incovenient and stop to send this messages".

Sorry, you must have had a bad timing. I'm quite busy recently at work and
at home and preparing 0.5.0 release I ignored some things on the mailing
list. Other (bozo, ladis) are apparently also quite busy. I will be fairly
busy for a couple of weeks more (and it DOESN'T mean that I won't work on
gnokii at all). Unfortuntely such things happen. And I'm sorry it touched
you. We appreciate your work on gnokii and on discovering the protocol.

> >   1- PC to Phone -> Command: 0xd1: s Key press { 0x50, 0x00, 0x01, KEY }.
> >   2- Phone to PC -> ACK.
> >   3- Phone to PC -> Command: 0xd2: r Key press {+0x01, 0x00, 0x50, 0x00}.
> >   4- ??? What I need to response to cell phone here?? I was trying to send
> > an
> >   ack, but the cell phone continue
> >   sending the D2 command like the correct response was omitted.

Did you look how is it done in the exising drivers already?

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