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Re: gnokii vs. gammu

From: Krishna Dagli
Subject: Re: gnokii vs. gammu
Date: Mon, 23 Dec 2002 19:24:00 +0530

These are personal views: Source of gammu is easier to
understand. (atleast to me)  Author (Marcin Wiacek) had
always replied to any queries I had regarding source and
whatever feature request I had made.  

Please no flames.

Pawel Kot wrote:
> >>> address@hidden 23 December 2002 13:22:11 >>>
> > Why is there a gnokii and a gammu project?
> Because Marcin Wiacek (who is the author of the gammu project)
> can't work with gnokii developers or gnokii developers can't
> work with Marcin. You may choose one of these two options.
> > Are these two projects working together somehow?
> > Or at least sharing new info and features from each other?
> Not in any formal way. I looked into the gammu sources once
> and it is so awfully written that even if I would like to use
> some of these sources, it would take too much time to
> understand it.
> But hey, it's still Open Source, you can feel free to take one
> project and port whatever you want to the other.
> > If I want to help, which project should I contribute to?
> It's your option. Whichever you like more. :-)
> pkot
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