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Re: voice dial fails, os x

From: Ruotger . Skupin
Subject: Re: voice dial fails, os x
Date: Fri, 29 Nov 2002 00:29:38 +0100

Am Donnerstag, 28.11.02, um 19:43 Uhr (Europe/Berlin) schrieb Tobie Kerridge:


I'm back with a new phone!
Which model?

Just testing out various features from the CLI, this is what I get when I try ti call out:
Does --identify work?

3D[SW16:/usr/local/sbin] tobie% sudo ./gnokii --dialvoice 07752061937
GNOKII Version 0.5.0pre
Dialing failed: Command called isn't implemented in model.
This is a gnokii message. It means that dialvoice is not implemented for your model (or not implementable)

Is this a phone thing, a mac os x thing ow another thing? Does anyone have a list of commands which are disabled under certain > circumstances?
No such list exists (afaik). You might want to look into the code. In common/phones you find all the telephone related modules.

best wishes,

gnokii-users mailing list

Ruotger "Roddi" Skupin mailto:address@hidden aim:rraubtigger

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