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Some SMS are destroyed when using getsms (was: "Re: trouble with getsms/

From: Matthias Dahl
Subject: Some SMS are destroyed when using getsms (was: "Re: trouble with getsms/smsreader and 6210")
Date: Mon, 27 May 2002 11:56:53 +0200
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Hey there...         <( )>-=-<( powered by linux )> 

First of all, thanks for the tip with the different memory types for the 6210,
I didn't know that... now getting SMS almost works fine. :)

I just made a backup of all the SMS stored in my INBOX.       Things work fine
except that there are a few SMS that are being displayed fine on my handy  but
end up being destroyed when I get them with gnokii.   I tried it several times
and always the same SMS are partly destroyed when gnokii shows/saves them. :(

Words are suddenly something like "¥@@@@@@@@@@¿" and those  SMS  always  begin
with a @ sign that overwrites the first character of the SMS.   I have no idea
what's causing this. All SMS work fine, except those few. :(  Those where sent
to me as linked SMS (a big SMS, split into several seperate ones) - could this
be the reason? Even though that would be strange.

Thanks for any tips again,

]) address@hidden, GPG 0x51FA41C6, matthew2k on, ICQ# 89464954 ([

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