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Re: Models and interfaces

From: Pawel Kot
Subject: Re: Models and interfaces
Date: Thu, 9 May 2002 21:59:08 +0200 (CEST)

On 9 May 2002, Christian Rishoej wrote:

> Hi again.
> On Thu, 2002-05-09 at 14:26, Pawel Kot wrote:
> > > Is there any plans for support of the Nokia 8310 ?
> > > If possible, I'd like to contribute to this.
> >
> > Sure. We would like to support all the phones. You may try any of the
> > existing drivers to check the compatibility. If any of them works, tell us.
> Using the the latest CVS checkout and the 6310 driver I can successfully
> use gnokii to --identify the phone and read phone book entries over a
> SIR Ir connection.

OK. Just commited the change to this driver. You can use now "model =

> xgnookii seems to get confused about some "Incoming Clock" and does not
> successfully read network info or battery level.

It's probably not implemented.

> When trying to fetch all contacts, xgnokii detects that I have 180 / 500
> contacts (which is true) and starts reading them. When it reaches 180 it
> doesn't stop though, just continues up to 186 and seems to hang.

This is the question for Markus.

> If you would find any other information useful, I'd be happy to provide
> it.

Could you give here the output of gnokii --identify or *#0000# typed on
your phone?

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