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RE: [gnokii-users] Re: CVS update

From: Marcin Wiacek
Subject: RE: [gnokii-users] Re: CVS update
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2002 15:38:57 +0200


> I have not ignored your post, indeed I have been thinking about little

> else since I received it.  I've put together what I believe to be a 
> reasonable response but as a courtesy am waiting on feedback from the 
> rest of the core team before sending it.
> You can expect it within the next 24 hours, I trust this will 
> meet with your satisfaction - you did after all say " ...I 
> don't expect this answer fast - it can be after one, two, 
> three days... " which I took to mean you wanted a considered response.
Yes. Misunderstanding. "Now I'm waiting (few days) for answer from Hugh"
should mean "I will be waiting (few days) for answer from Hugh". Sorry.
I agree - my mistake. I don't change my earlier words :-)

And to avoid some other misunderstandings: I don't critise everyone and
everything. I try to notice, that some things, which are still available
in gnokii, makes, that people wait for 0.4.0 very long and probably will
still wait:

The highest voice should have man, who prepare(d) the highest number of
good source and put the biggest effort. When leader is man, who doesn't
have idea about some things, he shouldn't make it or take help.

There should be equal rights for everyone and everything (for example, I
noticed about adding new dirs to /common/phones - there are 4 files in
/common/data, why we can't have the same logically separated Nokia
phones stuff: n2110.c, n3110.c, etc. In /common/phones/nokia ?). 

I notice also, that probably Paweł doesn't like and my work, because I
critice some his work and some solutions. I don't have anything to him
personally and his knowledge as all. I don't critice all his work. But
my words make, that he will always reject my source from this or other

As I said to Markus: it isn't this way, that (for example) I want to
destroy everything. No.

That's all.

Pozdrowienia/Best Regards
Marcin Wiacek (mailto:address@hidden,,

mygnokii mirrors (,,

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