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[Gnash-commit] gnash/cygnal/ACT ACT.doxygen.txt

From: Eric Hughes
Subject: [Gnash-commit] gnash/cygnal/ACT ACT.doxygen.txt
Date: Wed, 18 Jul 2007 21:45:44 +0000

CVSROOT:        /sources/gnash
Module name:    gnash
Changes by:     Eric Hughes <eh9>       07/07/18 21:45:44

Modified files:
        cygnal/ACT     : ACT.doxygen.txt 

Log message:
        * Minor documention formatting.


Index: ACT.doxygen.txt
RCS file: /sources/gnash/gnash/cygnal/ACT/ACT.doxygen.txt,v
retrieving revision 1.1
retrieving revision 1.2
diff -u -b -r1.1 -r1.2
--- ACT.doxygen.txt     10 Jul 2007 14:09:08 -0000      1.1
+++ ACT.doxygen.txt     18 Jul 2007 21:45:44 -0000      1.2
@@ -27,24 +27,27 @@
        The implementation pattern that comes to the fore is the "state of a 
partial computation".
        One element of a partial computation state is a record of what I/O 
operation has been set to operate asynchronously.
-\section s_Elements An Oveview of the Elements of the ACT Environment
+\section s_ACT_Elements Elements of the ACT Environment
        The main elements of the ACT environment the following:
        - \b Actions.  
                These are ACT classes that do all the work; it's the equivalent 
of a thread body.
                The ultimate purpose of the ACT environment is to provide an 
execution context for actions.
                An action runs until it yields (typically because it would 
                At such a time it enters a waiting state, waiting to be 
awakened as a result of further activity.
        - \b Scheduler.
                In preemptive multitasking environments, the scheduling 
function is provided transparently.
                In the ACT environment, ordinary actions see scheduling as 
                        but the scheduler is visible to certain primitives, 
particularly those involved with I/O.
                A scheduler is single-threaded and is designed to be the body 
of a thread.
                The scheduler, however, is not a singleton, as the preferred 
deployment configuration is one-scheduler-per-CPU.
        - \b Demons.
                Demons are a category of actions that run persistently in the 
                The scheduler views ordinary actions as tasks, which are 
expected to eventually terminate.
                The scheduler has different execution policies for demons and 
                The two most significant kinds of demons are services and 
        - \b Services.
                A service is a demon that generates new tasks.
                A service typically represents some kind of bound input device, 
activity at which needs some response.
@@ -52,12 +55,14 @@
                For example, a socket listening at port 80 generates a new HTTP 
protocol task for each incoming connection. 
                As a rule, services represent input response, but not as a 
                A service may generate new tasks based on purely internal 
considerations as well.
        - \b Monitors.
                A monitor is a demon that wakes up tasks from their waiting 
                A task, once it yields to wait for new activity, won't be 
scheduled until something else rouses it.
                For each waiting task, there is some monitor demon that has 
responsibility for waking it up.
                Sensing the activity that triggers a wake-up is domain-specific,
                        so there's a separate monitor class for each kind of 
waiting, in particular each kind of I/O.
        - <b>Listener Actions</b>.
                The code for actions is recursive, one action calling another 
as needed.
                This is as for ordinary code, with the distinction that the 
action invariants must be preserved at each call.
@@ -152,7 +157,7 @@
        As the proverbial angel-on-pinheads, the choice is between a definite 
and an indefinite bound.
        If a definite execution bound is desired, it might be by execution 
count or by a time limit (or both).
-       summarizing, we have the following shutdown algorithm, with its main 
points of configuration:
+       Summarizing, we have the following shutdown algorithm, with its main 
points of configuration:
        - Decide upon a cooperative shutdown.
        - Construct a shutdown parameter and invoke the scheduler's shutdown 
function with it.
        - If the scheduler is immediately suspending, do so now, deleting 
references if requested.

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