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[Gluster-devel] Dispersed volume: Initial results

From: Xavier Hernandez
Subject: [Gluster-devel] Dispersed volume: Initial results
Date: Thu, 13 Feb 2014 13:22:45 +0100
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Hi all,

I've been able to do the first performance comparison of a dispersed volume. The translators still have known problems that will be solved as soon as possible, but at least they support simple tests. I used a very simple configuration and I compared it to a replicated volume with the same level of fault tolerance.

The test environment has been 4 servers based on an Intel Atom D525 1.8 GHz dual core with 4GB of RAM and 1 TB disk. They are interconnected through a dedicated 1Gbit switch (this is the environment that I can dispose of regularly for my tests). 3 servers have been used as bricks, and the fourth one has been the client.

The dispersed volume is composed of 3 bricks, with one of them of redundancy. This has been compared to an standard replica-2 volume with 2 bricks.

The tests consist on the sequential write of 1GB file using different block sizes (all writes aligned to the ida block size). All tests have been executed 10 times and the average has been taken. IOPS represents the average number of user-side write operations of the current block size that can done per second.

The results are attached in an ods document. This is very preliminary, it can change, use it with caution.

As you will see, the network becomes a bottleneck for both tests when the block size if big enough.

As an additional comparison, an example scenario with 6 bricks of 1 TB would have 3 TB of logical space in a distributed-replicated volume, but 4 TB in a distributed-dispersed volume, a 33% more space but with the same level of fault tolerance.


Attachment: disperse-replicate.ods
Description: application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.spreadsheet

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