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[Glob2-ideas] singularity obelisks, magicians and rat catchers

From: Kai Antweiler
Subject: [Glob2-ideas] singularity obelisks, magicians and rat catchers
Date: Wed, 03 May 2006 23:43:52 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.1002 (Gnus v5.10.2) XEmacs/21.4 (Jumbo Shrimp, linux)

I would like to have Steph's singularity obelisk as part of race
customization.  My idea is that you can decide how smart your race
will be.  You can take the ability to build singularity obelisks and
therefore loose your ability to learn level 3 running and swimming.
(Maybe teleportation would use a lot of food to even out the need for
inns and decrease the time a worrior can fight when it's transported
straight to the enemy.)

There might be graduations:
For example you could go for caltapult (or trampoline) and web
instead.  This would allow only medium range teleportation.  We
already have swimming images for globs.  We could use these for slung
globs two.  Reduce these in size depending on which point of the arc
the glob is and we're done.  Maybe implement collision checks.  I
can't wait to see an explorer getting hit by a catapulted glob :-)

Maybe your race can just build bridges which would be really small
range teleportation, but powerfull if you can overbrigde the walls
of your enemy (or your own).  Enemys can't use your bridges.

We might also have a second type of magician that distorts the gradient
maps of enemys around itself.  (Or a building)
So globs would run around it randomly.
Or on orbital around it - like the rat catcher in the fairy tale.
(maybe even starve them.)

That's it:  a unit that reduces (steals) the food of your enemies
globs/inns in its proximity.  (Think of an inn upgrade which takes
resources straight of the enemies around it and puts it into its
Or a unit that does the opposite for your own units.

Or special farmer globs.

Maybe enemies get the sight of too powerfull units/buildings.

Kai Antweiler

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