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Re: [Ghm-discuss] GHM in review

From: Simon Josefsson
Subject: Re: [Ghm-discuss] GHM in review
Date: Sun, 01 Aug 2010 23:02:47 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.110011 (No Gnus v0.11) Emacs/23.1 (gnu/linux)

Andy Wingo <address@hidden> writes:

> Greetings, GHM attendees!
> Hope all are well, and safely back to the hack.

Thank you again for arranging the meeting.

>   1. What was great about the meeting? Name one or two of your favorite
>      things.

Meeting everyone was the best for me, of course.

I thought the concept of lightning talks were good, and could be
improved even further.  You get a quick overview of something, and if
you aren't interested, it is over quickly anyway.  It also allows people
to prepare a talk on-the-fly during the meeting (as I did).

I would have found it useful if more people did a 5 minute talk about
something they are working on, just to make people be aware of what is
going on.  Especially people who don't give any of the longer talks.  It
makes sense to have some lightning talks in the agenda, and leave some
room for improvised stuff.

>   2. What could have been better? Again, one or two things, along with
>      suggestions for improvements if you have them.

It would be great if lunch were sponsored and pre-arranged somehow.
While I don't mind paying it myself, finding the coins to do it and
deciding what to order felt distracting to me.

>   3. Was there anything missing from the meeting? Or, alternately, was
>      there some part of the meeting we could have done without?

Silence the door bell. :-)

>   4. What about focus -- did we have a good focus? Too broad, too
>      narrow?

I think it was good.

>   5. What about the size? Do you want the GHM to be bigger in the
>      future? How would you feel if there were 100 people there?

As long as people are working on GNU stuff, it would fine.  I wouldn't
like an idea of inviting 50+ people from some other project, as it
wouldn't be a "GNU" hackers meeting anymore.

>   6. What about colocation? Did this influence your decision to attend?
>      Was it a good thing or a bad thing?

It seems like a good idea, but it didn't influence my decision.

>   7. Any other comments?

Keep up the good work organizing these events!


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