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Re: [Getfem-users] Build a mesh with quadrature points

From: julien pommier
Subject: Re: [Getfem-users] Build a mesh with quadrature points
Date: Fri, 16 Mar 2007 15:20:59 +0100
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20070307)

Hi Giovani,
If you want to retrieve the coordinates of the quadrature points of a convex cv, you can do:

   /* get the approximate integration method for the convex */
   getfem::papprox_integration pai
     = mim.int_method_of_element(cv)->approx_method();
/* prepare the geotrans_interpolation_context to apply the geometric transformation */
   bgeot::base_matrix G;
   bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G, m.points_of_convex(cv));
   bgeot::geotrans_interpolation_context c(m.trans_of_convex(cv),
                       pai->point(0), G);
   /* apply the geotrans to each point of the integration method */
   for (size_type j = 0; j < pai->nb_points_on_convex(); ++j) {
std::cout << " integration node " << j << " for convex " << cv << " is " << c.xreal() << "\n";

Best regards,

Giovani wrote:
Good day  gentlemen!

Suppose I have a getfem::mesh object that has a getfem::mesh_fem linked to it, and also a getfem::mesh_im that's also linked.

I would like to build a new getfem::mesh, whose nodes are located at the quadrature points of the previous mesh. Is there any simple way of retrieving a list with the global coordinates of those quadrature points?

Best Regards,

Giovani M. Faccin

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Julien Pommier, bureau 111
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