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[Getfem-commits] (no subject)

From: Yves Renard
Subject: [Getfem-commits] (no subject)
Date: Fri, 24 May 2019 10:07:55 -0400 (EDT)

branch: master
commit 01fdc46e7897c9b860415e2d5275bc6166d0d246
Author: Yves Renard <address@hidden>
Date:   Fri May 24 16:07:44 2019 +0200

    an enriched plate model
 interface/src/         |  62 ++-
 src/getfem/getfem_linearized_plates.h |  47 +-
 src/       | 905 +++++++++++++++++++---------------
 3 files changed, 605 insertions(+), 409 deletions(-)

diff --git a/interface/src/ b/interface/src/
index 4b9bf6d..0b224e9 100644
--- a/interface/src/
+++ b/interface/src/
@@ -2646,8 +2646,66 @@ void gf_model_set(getfemint::mexargs_in& m_in,
          workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
+    /address@hidden ind = ('add enriched Mindlin Reissner plate brick', @tmim 
mim, @tmim mim_reduced1, @tmim mim_reduced2, @str varname_ua, @str 
varname_theta,@str varname_u3, @str varname_theta3 , @str param_E, @str 
param_nu, @str param_epsilon [,@int variant [, @int region]])
+    Add a term corresponding to the enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate
+    model for which `varname_ua` is the membrane displacements,
+    `varname_u3` is the transverse displacement,
+    `varname_theta` the rotation of
+    fibers normal to the midplane, 
+    `varname_theta3` the pinching,     
+    'param_E' the Young Modulus,
+    `param_nu` the poisson ratio,
+    `param_epsilon` the plate thickness. Note that since this brick
+    uses the high level generic assembly language, the parameter can
+    be regular expression of this language.
+    There are four variants.
+    `variant = 0` corresponds to the an
+    unreduced formulation and in that case only the integration
+    method `mim` is used. Practically this variant is not usable since
+    it is subject to a strong locking phenomenon.
+    `variant = 1` corresponds to a reduced integration where `mim` is
+    used for the rotation term and `mim_reduced1` for the transverse
+    shear term and `mim_reduced2` for the pinching term.
+    `variant = 2` (default) corresponds to the projection onto
+    a rotated RT0 element of the transverse shear term and a reduced 
integration for the pinching term.
+    For the moment, this is adapted to quadrilateral only (because it is not 
sufficient to
+    remove the locking phenomenon on triangle elements). Note also that if
+    you use high order elements, the projection on RT0 will reduce the order
+    of the approximation.
+    `variant = 3` corresponds to the projection onto
+    a rotated RT0 element of the transverse shear term and the projection onto 
P0 element of the pinching term.
+    For the moment, this is adapted to quadrilateral only (because it is not 
sufficient to
+    remove the locking phenomenon on triangle elements). Note also that if
+    you use high order elements, the projection on RT0 will reduce the order
+    of the approximation.   
+    Returns the brick index in the model.
+      @*/
+     sub_command
+        ("add enriched Mindlin Reissner plate brick", 10, 12, 0, 1,
+         getfem::mesh_im *mim = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
+         getfem::mesh_im *mim_reduced1 = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
+         getfem::mesh_im *mim_reduced2 = to_meshim_object(in.pop());
+         std::string varname_Ua = in.pop().to_string();
+         std::string varname_theta = in.pop().to_string();
+         std::string varname_U3 = in.pop().to_string();
+         std::string varname_theta3 = in.pop().to_string();
+         std::string param_E = in.pop().to_string();
+         std::string param_nu = in.pop().to_string();
+         std::string param_epsilon = in.pop().to_string();
+         size_type variant = size_type(3);//2
+         if (in.remaining()) variant = in.pop().to_integer();
+         size_type region = size_type(-1);
+         if (in.remaining()) region = in.pop().to_integer();
+         size_type ind = add_enriched_Mindlin_Reissner_plate_brick
+         (*md, *mim, *mim_reduced1,*mim_reduced2,
+          varname_Ua, varname_theta, varname_U3, varname_theta3,
+          param_E, param_nu, param_epsilon, variant, region);
+         workspace().set_dependence(md, mim);
+         out.pop().from_integer(int(ind));
+         );
     /address@hidden ind = ('add mass brick', @tmim mim, @str varname[, @str 
dataexpr_rho[, @int region]])
       Add mass term to the model relatively to the variable `varname`.
diff --git a/src/getfem/getfem_linearized_plates.h 
index 17de751..7b910a6 100644
--- a/src/getfem/getfem_linearized_plates.h
+++ b/src/getfem/getfem_linearized_plates.h
@@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
-/* -*- c++ -*- (enables emacs c++ mode) */
+// /* -*- c++ -*- (enables emacs c++ mode) */
  Copyright (C) 2004-2017 Yves Renard, Jeremie Lasry
@@ -86,6 +86,51 @@ namespace getfem {
    const std::string &param_nu, const std::string &param_epsilon,
    const std::string &param_kappa, size_type variant = size_type(2), 
    size_type region = size_type(-1));
+    /**     Add a term corresponding to the enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate
+    model for which `varname_ua` is the membrane displacements,
+    `varname_u3` is the transverse displacement,
+    `varname_theta` the rotation of
+    fibers normal to the midplane, 
+    `varname_theta3` the pinching,     
+    'param_E' the Young Modulus,
+    `param_nu` the poisson ratio,
+    `param_epsilon` the plate thickness. Note that since this brick
+    uses the high level generic assembly language, the parameter can
+    be regular expression of this language.
+    There are four variants.
+    `variant = 0` corresponds to the an
+    unreduced formulation and in that case only the integration
+    method `mim` is used. Practically this variant is not usable since
+    it is subject to a strong locking phenomenon.
+    `variant = 1` corresponds to a reduced integration where `mim` is
+    used for the rotation term and `mim_reduced1` for the transverse
+    shear term and `mim_reduced2` for the pinching term.
+    `variant = 2` (default) corresponds to the projection onto
+    a rotated RT0 element of the transverse shear term and a reduced 
integration for the pinching term.
+    For the moment, this is adapted to quadrilateral only (because it is not 
sufficient to
+    remove the locking phenomenon on triangle elements). Note also that if
+    you use high order elements, the projection on RT0 will reduce the order
+    of the approximation.
+    `variant = 3` corresponds to the projection onto
+    a rotated RT0 element of the transverse shear term and the projection onto 
P0 element of the pinching term.
+    For the moment, this is adapted to quadrilateral only (because it is not 
sufficient to
+    remove the locking phenomenon on triangle elements). Note also that if
+    you use high order elements, the projection on RT0 will reduce the order
+    of the approximation.   
+    Returns the brick index in the model.
+   */
+    size_type add_enriched_Mindlin_Reissner_plate_brick
+  (model &md, const mesh_im &mim, const mesh_im &mim_reduced1, const mesh_im 
+   const std::string &ua,const std::string &Theta,
+   const std::string &u3,const std::string &Theta3,
+   const std::string &param_E, const std::string &param_nu, const std::string 
+   size_type variant = size_type(3), size_type region = 
 }  /* end of namespace getfem.                                             */
diff --git a/src/ b/src/
index 92080fe..3252757 100644
--- a/src/
+++ b/src/
@@ -1,406 +1,499 @@
- Copyright (C) 2004-2017 Yves Renard, Jeremie Lasry, Mathieu Fabre
- This file is a part of GetFEM++
- GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
- under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
- by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
- (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
- Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
- This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
- WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
- or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
- License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
- You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
- along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
-#include "getfem/getfem_linearized_plates.h"
-namespace getfem {
-  size_type add_Mindlin_Reissner_plate_brick(model &md,
-                                             const mesh_im & mim,
-                                             const mesh_im & mim_red,
-                                             const std::string &U,
-                                             const std::string &Theta,
-                                             const std::string &param_E,
-                                             const std::string &param_nu,
-                                             const std::string &param_epsilon,
-                                             const std::string &param_kappa,
-                                             size_type variant,
-                                             size_type region) {
-    std::string test_U = "Test_" + sup_previous_and_dot_to_varname(U);
-    std::string test_Theta = "Test_" + sup_previous_and_dot_to_varname(Theta);
-    std::string proj_Theta = (variant == 2) ?
-      ("Elementary_transformation("+Theta+",_2D_rotated_RT0_projection__434)")
-      : Theta;
-    std::string proj_test_Theta = (variant == 2) ?
-      ("Elementary_transformation("+test_Theta
-       +",_2D_rotated_RT0_projection__434)") : test_Theta;
-    std::string D = "(("+param_E+")*pow("+param_epsilon+
-      ",3))/(12*(1-sqr("+param_nu+")))";
-    std::string G = "(("+param_E+")*("+param_epsilon+"))*("+param_kappa+
-      ")/(2*(1+("+param_nu+")))";
-    std::string E_theta = "(Grad_" + Theta + "+(Grad_" + Theta + ")')/2";
-    std::string E_test_Theta="(Grad_"+test_Theta+"+(Grad_"+test_Theta+")')/2";
-    std::string expr_left =
-      D+"*(( 1-("+param_nu+"))*("+E_theta+"):("+E_test_Theta+")+("+param_nu+
-      ")*Trace("+E_theta+")*Trace("+E_test_Theta+"))";
-    std::string expr_right = 
-      "("+G+")*(Grad_"+U+"-"+proj_Theta+").Grad_"+test_U+
-      "-("+G+")*(Grad_"+U+"-"+proj_Theta+")."+proj_test_Theta;
-    switch(variant) {
-    case 0: // Without reduction
-      return add_linear_generic_assembly_brick
-        (md, mim, expr_left+"+"+expr_right, region, false, false,
-         "Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick");
-    case 1: // With reduced integration
-      add_linear_generic_assembly_brick
-        (md, mim, expr_left, region, false, false,
-         "Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, rotation term");
-      return add_linear_generic_assembly_brick
-        (md, mim_red, expr_right, region, false, false,
-         "Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, transverse shear term");
-    case 2: // Variant with projection on rotated RT0
-      add_2D_rotated_RT0_projection(md, "_2D_rotated_RT0_projection__434");
-      return add_linear_generic_assembly_brick
-        (md, mim, expr_left+"+"+expr_right, region, false, false,
-         "Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick");
-      break;
-    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Invalid variant for Reissner-Mindlin brick.");
-    }
-    return size_type(-1);
-  }
-  // For the moment, only projection onto rotated RT0 element in dimension 2
-  class _2D_Rotated_RT0_projection_transformation
-    : public virtual_elementary_transformation {
-  public:
-    virtual void give_transformation(const mesh_fem &mf, size_type cv,
-                                     base_matrix &M) const{
-      THREAD_SAFE_STATIC base_matrix M_old;
-      THREAD_SAFE_STATIC pfem pf_old = nullptr;
-      // Obtaining the fem descriptors
-      pfem pf1 = mf.fem_of_element(cv);
-      size_type N = 2;
-      GMM_ASSERT1(pf1->dim() == 2, "This projection is only defined "
-                  "for two-dimensional elements");
-      size_type qmult =  N / pf1->target_dim();
-      bool simplex = false;
-      if (pf1->ref_convex(cv) == bgeot::simplex_of_reference(dim_type(N))) {
-        simplex = true;
-      } else if (pf1->ref_convex(cv)
-                 == bgeot::parallelepiped_of_reference(dim_type(N))) {
-        simplex = false;
-      } else {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot adapt the method for such an element.");
-      }
-      if (pf1 == pf_old && pf1->is_equivalent() && M.size() == M_old.size()) {
-        gmm::copy(M_old, M);
-        return;
-      }
-      std::stringstream fem_desc;
-      fem_desc << "FEM_RT0" << (simplex ? "":"Q") << "(" << N << ")";
-      pfem pf2 = fem_descriptor(fem_desc.str());
-      // Obtaining a convenient integration method
-      size_type degree = pf1->estimated_degree() + pf2->estimated_degree();
-      bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt = mf.linked_mesh().trans_of_convex(cv);
-      papprox_integration pim
-        = classical_approx_im(pgt, dim_type(degree))->approx_method();
-      // Computation of mass matrices
-      size_type ndof1 = pf1->nb_dof(cv) * qmult;
-      size_type ndof2 = pf2->nb_dof(0);
-      base_matrix M1(ndof1, ndof1), M2(ndof2, ndof2), B(ndof1, ndof2);
-      base_matrix aux0(ndof1, ndof1), aux1(ndof1, ndof2), aux2(ndof1, ndof2);
-      base_matrix aux3(ndof2, ndof2);
-      base_matrix G;
-      bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G, mf.linked_mesh().points_of_convex(cv));
-      fem_interpolation_context ctx1(pgt, pf1, base_node(N), G, cv);
-      fem_interpolation_context ctx2(pgt, pf2, base_node(N), G, cv);
-      base_tensor t1, t2;
-      base_matrix tv1, tv2;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pim->nb_points_on_convex(); ++i) {
-        scalar_type coeff = pim->coeff(i); // Mult by ctx.J() not useful here
-        ctx1.set_xref(pim->point(i));
-        ctx2.set_xref(pim->point(i));    
-        pf1->real_base_value(ctx1, t1);
-        vectorize_base_tensor(t1, tv1, ndof1, pf1->target_dim(), N);
-        pf2->real_base_value(ctx2, t2);
-        vectorize_base_tensor(t2, tv2, ndof2, pf2->target_dim(), N);
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof2; ++j) std::swap(tv2(j,0), tv2(j,1));
-        gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv1), aux0);
-        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux0, coeff), M1);
-        gmm::mult(tv2, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux3);
-        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux3, coeff), M2);
-        gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux1);
-        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux1, coeff), B);
-      }
-      // Computation of M
-      gmm::lu_inverse(M1);
-      gmm::lu_inverse(M2);
-      gmm::mult(M1, B, aux1);
-      gmm::mult(aux1, M2, aux2);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(gmm::mat_nrows(M) == ndof1,
-                  "Element not convenient for projection");
-      gmm::mult(aux2, gmm::transposed(B), M);
-      gmm::clean(M, 1E-15);
-      M_old = M; pf_old = pf1;
-    }
-  };
-  void add_2D_rotated_RT0_projection(model &md, std::string name) {
-    pelementary_transformation
-      p = std::make_shared<_2D_Rotated_RT0_projection_transformation>();
-    md.add_elementary_transformation(name, p);
-  }
-  // Can be simplified ...
-  class _P0_projection_transformation
-    : public virtual_elementary_transformation {
-  public:
-    virtual void give_transformation(const mesh_fem &mf, size_type cv,
-                                     base_matrix &M) const{
-      THREAD_SAFE_STATIC base_matrix M_old;
-      THREAD_SAFE_STATIC pfem pf_old = nullptr;
-      // Obtaining the fem descriptors
-      pfem pf1 = mf.fem_of_element(cv);
-      size_type N = 2;
-      // GMM_ASSERT1(pf1->dim() == 2, "This projection is only defined "
-      //             "for two-dimensional elements");
-      size_type qmult =  N / pf1->target_dim();
-      bool simplex = false;
-      if (pf1->ref_convex(cv) == bgeot::simplex_of_reference(dim_type(N))) {
-        simplex = true;
-      } else if (pf1->ref_convex(cv)
-                 == bgeot::parallelepiped_of_reference(dim_type(N))) {
-        simplex = false;
-      } else {
-        GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot adapt the method for such an element.");
-      }
-      if (pf1 == pf_old && pf1->is_equivalent() && M.size() == M_old.size()) {
-        gmm::copy(M_old, M);
-        return;
-      }
-      std::stringstream fem_desc;
-      fem_desc << "FEM_" << (simplex ? "P0":"Q0") << "(" << N << ")";
-      pfem pf2 = fem_descriptor(fem_desc.str());
-      // Obtaining a convenient integration method
-      size_type degree = pf1->estimated_degree() + pf2->estimated_degree();
-      bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt = mf.linked_mesh().trans_of_convex(cv);
-      papprox_integration pim
-        = classical_approx_im(pgt, dim_type(degree))->approx_method();
-      // Computation of mass matrices
-      size_type ndof1 = pf1->nb_dof(cv) * qmult;
-      size_type ndof2 = pf2->nb_dof(0);
-      base_matrix M1(ndof1, ndof1), M2(ndof2, ndof2), B(ndof1, ndof2);
-      base_matrix aux0(ndof1, ndof1), aux1(ndof1, ndof2), aux2(ndof1, ndof2);
-      base_matrix aux3(ndof2, ndof2);
-      base_matrix G;
-      bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G, mf.linked_mesh().points_of_convex(cv));
-      fem_interpolation_context ctx1(pgt, pf1, base_node(N), G, cv);
-      fem_interpolation_context ctx2(pgt, pf2, base_node(N), G, cv);
-      base_tensor t1, t2;
-      base_matrix tv1, tv2;
-      for (size_type i = 0; i < pim->nb_points_on_convex(); ++i) {
-        scalar_type coeff = pim->coeff(i); // Mult by ctx.J() not useful here
-        ctx1.set_xref(pim->point(i));
-        ctx2.set_xref(pim->point(i));    
-        pf1->real_base_value(ctx1, t1);
-        vectorize_base_tensor(t1, tv1, ndof1, pf1->target_dim(), N);
-        pf2->real_base_value(ctx2, t2);
-        vectorize_base_tensor(t2, tv2, ndof2, pf2->target_dim(), N);
-        for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof2; ++j) std::swap(tv2(j,0), tv2(j,1));
-        gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv1), aux0);
-        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux0, coeff), M1);
-        gmm::mult(tv2, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux3);
-        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux3, coeff), M2);
-        gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux1);
-        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux1, coeff), B);
-      }
-      // Computation of M
-      gmm::lu_inverse(M1);
-      gmm::lu_inverse(M2);
-      gmm::mult(M1, B, aux1);
-      gmm::mult(aux1, M2, aux2);
-      GMM_ASSERT1(gmm::mat_nrows(M) == ndof1,
-                  "Element not convenient for projection");
-      gmm::mult(aux2, gmm::transposed(B), M);
-      gmm::clean(M, 1E-15);
-      M_old = M; pf_old = pf1;
-    }
-  };
-  void add_P0_projection(model &md, std::string name) {
-    pelementary_transformation
-      p = std::make_shared<_P0_projection_transformation>();
-    md.add_elementary_transformation(name, p);
-  }
-  // RT0 projection in any dimension. Unused for the moment.
-//   class RT0_projection_transformation
-//     : public virtual_elementary_transformation {
-//   public:
-//     virtual void give_transformation(const mesh_fem &mf, size_type cv,
-//                                      base_matrix &M) const{
-//       // Obtaining the fem descriptors
-//       pfem pf1 = mf.fem_of_element(cv);
-//       size_type N = pf1->dim();
-//       size_type qmult =  N / pf1->target_dim();
-//       bool simplex = false;
-//       if (pf1->ref_convex(cv) == bgeot::simplex_of_reference(dim_type(N))) {
-//         simplex = true;
-//       } else if (pf1->ref_convex(cv)
-//                  == bgeot::parallelepiped_of_reference(dim_type(N))) {
-//         simplex = false;
-//       } else {
-//         GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot adapt the method for such an element.");
-//       }
-//       GMM_ASSERT1(pf1->is_equivalent(), "For tau-equivalent fem only."); // 
Indeed no, for the moment ...
-//       std::stringstream fem_desc;
-//       fem_desc << "FEM_RT0" << (simplex ? "":"Q") << "(" << N << ")";
-//       pfem pf2 = fem_descriptor(fem_desc.str());
-//       // Obtaining a convenient integration method
-//       size_type degree = pf1->estimated_degree() + pf2->estimated_degree();
-//       bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt = mf.linked_mesh().trans_of_convex(cv);
-//       papprox_integration pim
-//         = classical_approx_im(pgt, dim_type(degree))->approx_method();
-//       // Computation of mass matrices
-//       size_type ndof1 = pf1->nb_dof(cv) * qmult;
-//       size_type ndof2 = pf2->nb_dof(0);
-//       base_matrix M1(ndof1, ndof1), M2(ndof2, ndof2), B(ndof1, ndof2);
-//       base_matrix aux0(ndof1, ndof1), aux1(ndof1, ndof2), aux2(ndof1, 
-//       base_matrix aux3(ndof2, ndof2);
-//       base_matrix G;
-//       bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G, 
-//       fem_interpolation_context ctx1(pgt, pf1, base_node(N), G, cv);
-//       fem_interpolation_context ctx2(pgt, pf2, base_node(N), G, cv);
-//       base_tensor t1, t2;
-//       base_matrix tv1, tv2;
-//       for (size_type i = 0; i < pim->nb_points_on_convex(); ++i) {
-//         scalar_type coeff = pim->coeff(i); // Mult by ctx.J() not useful 
-//         ctx1.set_xref(pim->point(i));
-//         ctx2.set_xref(pim->point(i));    
-//         pf1->real_base_value(ctx1, t1);
-//         vectorize_base_tensor(t1, tv1, ndof1, pf1->target_dim(), N);
-//         pf2->real_base_value(ctx2, t2);
-//         vectorize_base_tensor(t2, tv2, ndof2, pf2->target_dim(), N);
-//         // for (size_type j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
-//         //  std::swap(tv2(j,0), tv2(j,1));
-//         gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv1), aux0);
-//         gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux0, coeff), M1);
-//         gmm::mult(tv2, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux3);
-//         gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux3, coeff), M2);
-//         gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux1);
-//         gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux1, coeff), B);
-//       }
-//       // Computation of M
-//       gmm::lu_inverse(M1);
-//       gmm::lu_inverse(M2);
-//       gmm::mult(M1, B, aux1);
-//       gmm::mult(aux1, M2, aux2);
-//       GMM_ASSERT1(gmm::mat_nrows(M) == ndof1,
-//                   "Element not convenient for projection");
-//       gmm::mult(aux2, gmm::transposed(B), M);
-//       gmm::clean(M, 1E-15);
-//       // cout << "M = " << M << endl;
-//     }
-//   };
-}  /* end of namespace getfem.                                             */
+ Copyright (C) 2004-2017 Yves Renard, Jeremie Lasry, Mathieu Fabre
+ This file is a part of GetFEM++
+ GetFEM++  is  free software;  you  can  redistribute  it  and/or modify it
+ under  the  terms  of the  GNU  Lesser General Public License as published
+ by  the  Free Software Foundation;  either version 3 of the License,  or
+ (at your option) any later version along with the GCC Runtime Library
+ Exception either version 3.1 or (at your option) any later version.
+ This program  is  distributed  in  the  hope  that it will be useful,  but
+ WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY
+ or  FITNESS  FOR  A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the GNU Lesser General Public
+ License and GCC Runtime Library Exception for more details.
+ You  should  have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
+ along  with  this program;  if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
+ Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA.
+#include "getfem/getfem_linearized_plates.h"
+namespace getfem {
+  size_type add_Mindlin_Reissner_plate_brick(model &md,
+                                             const mesh_im & mim,
+                                             const mesh_im & mim_red,
+                                             const std::string &U,
+                                             const std::string &Theta,
+                                             const std::string &param_E,
+                                             const std::string &param_nu,
+                                             const std::string &param_epsilon,
+                                             const std::string &param_kappa,
+                                             size_type variant,
+                                             size_type region) {
+    std::string test_U = "Test_" + sup_previous_and_dot_to_varname(U);
+    std::string test_Theta = "Test_" + sup_previous_and_dot_to_varname(Theta);
+    std::string proj_Theta = (variant == 2) ?
+      ("Elementary_transformation("+Theta+",_2D_rotated_RT0_projection__434)")
+      : Theta;
+    std::string proj_test_Theta = (variant == 2) ?
+      ("Elementary_transformation("+test_Theta
+       +",_2D_rotated_RT0_projection__434)") : test_Theta;
+    std::string D = "(("+param_E+")*pow("+param_epsilon+
+      ",3))/(12*(1-sqr("+param_nu+")))";
+    std::string G = "(("+param_E+")*("+param_epsilon+"))*("+param_kappa+
+      ")/(2*(1+("+param_nu+")))";
+    std::string E_theta = "(Grad_" + Theta + "+(Grad_" + Theta + ")')/2";
+    std::string E_test_Theta="(Grad_"+test_Theta+"+(Grad_"+test_Theta+")')/2";
+    std::string expr_left =
+      D+"*(( 1-("+param_nu+"))*("+E_theta+"):("+E_test_Theta+")+("+param_nu+
+      ")*Trace("+E_theta+")*Trace("+E_test_Theta+"))";
+    std::string expr_right = 
+      "("+G+")*(Grad_"+U+"-"+proj_Theta+").Grad_"+test_U+
+      "-("+G+")*(Grad_"+U+"-"+proj_Theta+")."+proj_test_Theta;
+    switch(variant) {
+    case 0: // Without reduction
+      return add_linear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_left+"+"+expr_right, region, false, false,
+         "Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick");
+    case 1: // With reduced integration
+      add_linear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_left, region, false, false,
+         "Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, rotation term");
+      return add_linear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim_red, expr_right, region, false, false,
+         "Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, transverse shear term");
+    case 2: // Variant with projection on rotated RT0
+      add_2D_rotated_RT0_projection(md, "_2D_rotated_RT0_projection__434");
+      return add_linear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_left+"+"+expr_right, region, false, false,
+         "Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick");
+      break;
+    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Invalid variant for Reissner-Mindlin brick.");
+    }
+    return size_type(-1);
+  }
+  size_type add_enriched_Mindlin_Reissner_plate_brick(model &md,
+                                             const mesh_im & mim,
+                                             const mesh_im & mim_red1,
+                                             const mesh_im & mim_red2,
+                                             const std::string &Ua,
+                                             const std::string &Theta,
+                                             const std::string &U3,
+                                             const std::string &Theta3,        
+                                             const std::string &param_E,
+                                             const std::string &param_nu,
+                                             const std::string &param_epsilon,
+                                             size_type variant,
+                                             size_type region) {
+    std::string test_Ua = "Test_" + sup_previous_and_dot_to_varname(Ua);
+    std::string test_U3 = "Test_" + sup_previous_and_dot_to_varname(U3);    
+    std::string test_Theta = "Test_" + sup_previous_and_dot_to_varname(Theta);
+    std::string proj_Theta = (variant >= 2) ?
+      ("Elementary_transformation("+Theta+",_2D_rotated_RT0_projection__434)")
+      : Theta;
+    std::string proj_test_Theta = (variant >= 2) ?
+      : test_Theta;
+    std::string test_Theta3 = "Test_" + 
+    std::string proj_Theta3 = (variant == 3) ?
+      ("Elementary_transformation("+Theta3+",_P0_projection__434)")
+      : Theta3;
+    std::string proj_test_Theta3 = (variant == 3) ?
+      ("Elementary_transformation("+test_Theta3+",_P0_projection__434)") 
+      : test_Theta3;
+    std::string D1 = 
+    std::string D2 = D1+"*("+param_nu+")/(1-2*("+param_nu+"))";    
+    std::string D3 = D1+"/2";
+    std::string G1 = "(("+param_E+")*("+param_epsilon+"))/(1+("+param_nu+"))";
+    std::string G2 = G1+"*("+param_nu+")/(1-2*("+param_nu+"))";    
+    std::string G3 = G1+"/2";
+    std::string E_Ua = "(Grad_" + Ua + "+(Grad_" + Ua + ")')/2";
+    std::string E_test_Ua = "(Grad_" + test_Ua + "+(Grad_" + test_Ua + ")')/2";
+    std::string E_Theta = "(Grad_" + Theta + "+(Grad_" + Theta + ")')/2";
+    std::string E_test_Theta="(Grad_"+test_Theta+"+(Grad_"+test_Theta+")')/2";
+    std::string expr_no_coupled_1 = G1+"*("+E_Ua+"):("+E_test_Ua+") + 
+    std::string expr_no_coupled_2 = D1+"*("+E_Theta+"):("+E_test_Theta+") + 
"+D2+"*Trace(Grad_"+Theta+")*Trace(Grad_"+test_Theta+") + 
+    std::string expr_coupled_1 = G3+"*(Grad_"+U3+" + 
"+proj_Theta+").(Grad_"+test_U3+" + "+proj_test_Theta+")";
+    std::string expr_coupled_2 = G2+"*(Trace("+E_Ua+") + 
"+proj_Theta3+")*(Trace("+E_test_Ua+") + "+proj_test_Theta3+")";
+    switch(variant) {
+    case 0: // Without reduction
+        add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_no_coupled_1+"+"+expr_no_coupled_2, region, false, 
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, no coupled");
+        return add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_coupled_1+"+"+expr_coupled_2, region, false, false,
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, coupled");
+    case 1: // With reduced integration
+        add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_no_coupled_1+"+"+expr_no_coupled_2, region, false, 
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, no coupled");
+        add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim_red1, expr_coupled_1, region, false, false,
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, coupled MR");
+        return add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim_red2, expr_coupled_2, region, false, false,
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, coupled eMR");
+    case 2: // Variant with projection on rotated RT0 and reduction
+        add_2D_rotated_RT0_projection(md, "_2D_rotated_RT0_projection__434");
+        add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_no_coupled_1+"+"+expr_no_coupled_2, region, false, 
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, no coupled");
+        add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_coupled_1, region, false, false,
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, coupled MR");
+        return add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim_red2, expr_coupled_2, region, false, false,
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, coupled eMR");  
+    case 3: // Variant with projection on rotated RT0 and projection P0
+        add_2D_rotated_RT0_projection(md, "_2D_rotated_RT0_projection__434");
+        add_P0_projection(md, "_P0_projection__434");
+        add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_no_coupled_1+"+"+expr_no_coupled_2, region, false, 
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, no coupled");
+        add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_coupled_1, region, false, false,
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, coupled MR");
+        return add_nonlinear_generic_assembly_brick
+        (md, mim, expr_coupled_2, region, false, false,
+         "enriched Reissner-Mindlin plate model brick, coupled eMR");  
+      break;
+    default: GMM_ASSERT1(false, " testInvalid variant for enriched 
Reissner-Mindlin brick.");
+    }
+    return size_type(-1);
+  }
+  // For the moment, only projection onto rotated RT0 element in dimension 2
+  class _2D_Rotated_RT0_projection_transformation
+    : public virtual_elementary_transformation {
+  public:
+    virtual void give_transformation(const mesh_fem &mf, size_type cv,
+                                     base_matrix &M) const{
+      THREAD_SAFE_STATIC base_matrix M_old;
+      THREAD_SAFE_STATIC pfem pf_old = nullptr;
+      // Obtaining the fem descriptors
+      pfem pf1 = mf.fem_of_element(cv);
+      size_type N = 2;
+      GMM_ASSERT1(pf1->dim() == 2, "This projection is only defined "
+                  "for two-dimensional elements");
+      size_type qmult =  N / pf1->target_dim();
+      bool simplex = false;
+      if (pf1->ref_convex(cv) == bgeot::simplex_of_reference(dim_type(N))) {
+        simplex = true;
+      } else if (pf1->ref_convex(cv)
+                 == bgeot::parallelepiped_of_reference(dim_type(N))) {
+        simplex = false;
+      } else {
+        GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot adapt the method for such an element.");
+      }
+      if (pf1 == pf_old && pf1->is_equivalent() && M.size() == M_old.size()) {
+        gmm::copy(M_old, M);
+        return;
+      }
+      std::stringstream fem_desc;
+      fem_desc << "FEM_RT0" << (simplex ? "P":"Q") << "(" << N << ")";
+      pfem pf2 = fem_descriptor(fem_desc.str());
+      // Obtaining a convenient integration method
+      size_type degree = pf1->estimated_degree() + pf2->estimated_degree();
+      bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt = mf.linked_mesh().trans_of_convex(cv);
+      papprox_integration pim
+        = classical_approx_im(pgt, dim_type(degree))->approx_method();
+      // Computation of mass matrices
+      size_type ndof1 = pf1->nb_dof(cv) * qmult;
+      size_type ndof2 = pf2->nb_dof(0);
+      base_matrix M1(ndof1, ndof1), M2(ndof2, ndof2), B(ndof1, ndof2);
+      base_matrix aux0(ndof1, ndof1), aux1(ndof1, ndof2), aux2(ndof1, ndof2);
+      base_matrix aux3(ndof2, ndof2);
+      base_matrix G;
+      bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G, mf.linked_mesh().points_of_convex(cv));
+      fem_interpolation_context ctx1(pgt, pf1, base_node(N), G, cv);
+      fem_interpolation_context ctx2(pgt, pf2, base_node(N), G, cv);
+      base_tensor t1, t2;
+      base_matrix tv1, tv2;
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pim->nb_points_on_convex(); ++i) {
+        scalar_type coeff = pim->coeff(i); // Mult by ctx.J() not useful here
+        ctx1.set_xref(pim->point(i));
+        ctx2.set_xref(pim->point(i));    
+        pf1->real_base_value(ctx1, t1);
+        vectorize_base_tensor(t1, tv1, ndof1, pf1->target_dim(), N);
+        pf2->real_base_value(ctx2, t2);
+        vectorize_base_tensor(t2, tv2, ndof2, pf2->target_dim(), N);
+        for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof2; ++j) std::swap(tv2(j,0), tv2(j,1));
+        gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv1), aux0);
+        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux0, coeff), M1);
+        gmm::mult(tv2, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux3);
+        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux3, coeff), M2);
+        gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux1);
+        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux1, coeff), B);
+      }
+      // Computation of M
+      gmm::lu_inverse(M1);
+      gmm::lu_inverse(M2);
+      gmm::mult(M1, B, aux1);
+      gmm::mult(aux1, M2, aux2);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(gmm::mat_nrows(M) == ndof1,
+                  "Element not convenient for projection");
+      gmm::mult(aux2, gmm::transposed(B), M);
+      gmm::clean(M, 1E-15);
+      M_old = M; pf_old = pf1;
+    }
+  };
+  void add_2D_rotated_RT0_projection(model &md, std::string name) {
+    pelementary_transformation
+      p = std::make_shared<_2D_Rotated_RT0_projection_transformation>();
+    md.add_elementary_transformation(name, p);
+  }
+  // Can be simplified ...
+  class _P0_projection_transformation
+    : public virtual_elementary_transformation {
+  public:
+    virtual void give_transformation(const mesh_fem &mf, size_type cv,
+                                     base_matrix &M) const{
+      THREAD_SAFE_STATIC base_matrix M_old;
+      THREAD_SAFE_STATIC pfem pf_old = nullptr;
+      // Obtaining the fem descriptors
+      pfem pf1 = mf.fem_of_element(cv);
+      size_type N = mf.get_qdim(), d = pf1->dim();
+      // GMM_ASSERT1(pf1->dim() == 2, "This projection is only defined "
+      //             "for two-dimensional elements");
+      size_type qmult =  N / pf1->target_dim();
+      bool simplex = false;
+      if (pf1->ref_convex(cv) == bgeot::simplex_of_reference(dim_type(d))) {
+        simplex = true;
+      } else if (pf1->ref_convex(cv)
+                 == bgeot::parallelepiped_of_reference(dim_type(d))) {
+        simplex = false;
+      } else {
+        GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot adapt the method for such an element.");
+      }
+      if (pf1 == pf_old && pf1->is_equivalent() && M.size() == M_old.size()) {
+        gmm::copy(M_old, M);
+        return;
+      }
+      std::stringstream fem_desc;
+      fem_desc << "FEM_" << (simplex ? "PK":"QK") << "(" << d << "," << 0 << 
+      pfem pf2 = fem_descriptor(fem_desc.str());
+      // Obtaining a convenient integration method
+      size_type degree = pf1->estimated_degree() + pf2->estimated_degree();
+      bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt = mf.linked_mesh().trans_of_convex(cv);
+      papprox_integration pim
+        = classical_approx_im(pgt, dim_type(degree))->approx_method();
+      // Computation of mass matrices
+      size_type ndof1 = pf1->nb_dof(cv) * qmult;
+      size_type ndof2 = pf2->nb_dof(0) * qmult;
+      base_matrix M1(ndof1, ndof1), M2(ndof2, ndof2), B(ndof1, ndof2);
+      base_matrix aux0(ndof1, ndof1), aux1(ndof1, ndof2), aux2(ndof1, ndof2);
+      base_matrix aux3(ndof2, ndof2);
+      base_matrix G;
+      bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G, mf.linked_mesh().points_of_convex(cv));
+      fem_interpolation_context ctx1(pgt, pf1, base_node(d), G, cv);
+      fem_interpolation_context ctx2(pgt, pf2, base_node(d), G, cv);
+      base_tensor t1, t2;
+      base_matrix tv1, tv2;
+      for (size_type i = 0; i < pim->nb_points_on_convex(); ++i) {
+        scalar_type coeff = pim->coeff(i); // Mult by ctx.J() not useful here
+        ctx1.set_xref(pim->point(i));
+        ctx2.set_xref(pim->point(i));    
+        pf1->real_base_value(ctx1, t1);
+        vectorize_base_tensor(t1, tv1, ndof1, pf1->target_dim(), N);
+        pf2->real_base_value(ctx2, t2);
+        vectorize_base_tensor(t2, tv2, ndof2, pf2->target_dim(), N);
+        // for (size_type j = 0; j < ndof2; ++j) std::swap(tv2(j,0), tv2(j,1));
+        gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv1), aux0);
+        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux0, coeff), M1);
+        gmm::mult(tv2, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux3);
+        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux3, coeff), M2);
+        gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux1);
+        gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux1, coeff), B);
+      }
+      // Computation of M
+      gmm::lu_inverse(M1);
+      gmm::lu_inverse(M2);
+      gmm::mult(M1, B, aux1);
+      gmm::mult(aux1, M2, aux2);
+      GMM_ASSERT1(gmm::mat_nrows(M) == ndof1,
+                  "Element not convenient for projection");
+      gmm::mult(aux2, gmm::transposed(B), M);
+      gmm::clean(M, 1E-15);
+      M_old = M; pf_old = pf1;
+    }
+  };
+  void add_P0_projection(model &md, std::string name) {
+    pelementary_transformation
+      p = std::make_shared<_P0_projection_transformation>();
+    md.add_elementary_transformation(name, p);
+  }
+  // RT0 projection in any dimension. Unused for the moment.
+//   class RT0_projection_transformation
+//     : public virtual_elementary_transformation {
+//   public:
+//     virtual void give_transformation(const mesh_fem &mf, size_type cv,
+//                                      base_matrix &M) const{
+//       // Obtaining the fem descriptors
+//       pfem pf1 = mf.fem_of_element(cv);
+//       size_type N = pf1->dim();
+//       size_type qmult =  N / pf1->target_dim();
+//       bool simplex = false;
+//       if (pf1->ref_convex(cv) == bgeot::simplex_of_reference(dim_type(N))) {
+//         simplex = true;
+//       } else if (pf1->ref_convex(cv)
+//                  == bgeot::parallelepiped_of_reference(dim_type(N))) {
+//         simplex = false;
+//       } else {
+//         GMM_ASSERT1(false, "Cannot adapt the method for such an element.");
+//       }
+//       GMM_ASSERT1(pf1->is_equivalent(), "For tau-equivalent fem only."); // 
Indeed no, for the moment ...
+//       std::stringstream fem_desc;
+//       fem_desc << "FEM_RT0" << (simplex ? "":"Q") << "(" << N << ")";
+//       pfem pf2 = fem_descriptor(fem_desc.str());
+//       // Obtaining a convenient integration method
+//       size_type degree = pf1->estimated_degree() + pf2->estimated_degree();
+//       bgeot::pgeometric_trans pgt = mf.linked_mesh().trans_of_convex(cv);
+//       papprox_integration pim
+//         = classical_approx_im(pgt, dim_type(degree))->approx_method();
+//       // Computation of mass matrices
+//       size_type ndof1 = pf1->nb_dof(cv) * qmult;
+//       size_type ndof2 = pf2->nb_dof(0);
+//       base_matrix M1(ndof1, ndof1), M2(ndof2, ndof2), B(ndof1, ndof2);
+//       base_matrix aux0(ndof1, ndof1), aux1(ndof1, ndof2), aux2(ndof1, 
+//       base_matrix aux3(ndof2, ndof2);
+//       base_matrix G;
+//       bgeot::vectors_to_base_matrix(G, 
+//       fem_interpolation_context ctx1(pgt, pf1, base_node(N), G, cv);
+//       fem_interpolation_context ctx2(pgt, pf2, base_node(N), G, cv);
+//       base_tensor t1, t2;
+//       base_matrix tv1, tv2;
+//       for (size_type i = 0; i < pim->nb_points_on_convex(); ++i) {
+//         scalar_type coeff = pim->coeff(i); // Mult by ctx.J() not useful 
+//         ctx1.set_xref(pim->point(i));
+//         ctx2.set_xref(pim->point(i));    
+//         pf1->real_base_value(ctx1, t1);
+//         vectorize_base_tensor(t1, tv1, ndof1, pf1->target_dim(), N);
+//         pf2->real_base_value(ctx2, t2);
+//         vectorize_base_tensor(t2, tv2, ndof2, pf2->target_dim(), N);
+//         // for (size_type j = 0; j < 4; ++j)
+//         //  std::swap(tv2(j,0), tv2(j,1));
+//         gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv1), aux0);
+//         gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux0, coeff), M1);
+//         gmm::mult(tv2, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux3);
+//         gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux3, coeff), M2);
+//         gmm::mult(tv1, gmm::transposed(tv2), aux1);
+//         gmm::add(gmm::scaled(aux1, coeff), B);
+//       }
+//       // Computation of M
+//       gmm::lu_inverse(M1);
+//       gmm::lu_inverse(M2);
+//       gmm::mult(M1, B, aux1);
+//       gmm::mult(aux1, M2, aux2);
+//       GMM_ASSERT1(gmm::mat_nrows(M) == ndof1,
+//                   "Element not convenient for projection");
+//       gmm::mult(aux2, gmm::transposed(B), M);
+//       gmm::clean(M, 1E-15);
+//       // cout << "M = " << M << endl;
+//     }
+//   };
+}  /* end of namespace getfem.                                             */

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