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Re: [gcmd-dev] User configurable shortcuts

From: codejodler
Subject: Re: [gcmd-dev] User configurable shortcuts
Date: Thu, 12 Apr 2007 15:08:32 +0200

> Here it is - user defined shortcuts. Finally got it working ;o)

Wow cool ! Real hot ! Way real hot cool man !
Be godsmacked !

> Currently there is no GUI for key configuration.
This is abnsolutely NO prpblem as long as it works at all!
Anyone else can hack a editing tool, rather easily.

> The shortcuts are read at start-up only, so you have to reload
> application to see the changes.

That's at least the legacy way.
Still something to solve some day...e.g., how could a shortcut editor get a 
running instance reload the table ? Can we have different running instances get 
notified ?

> Config file syntax:
>     [<shift>][<control>][<alt>]key_name=action[|options]
Easy to understand. Just curious...is that based on any existing template ?
Like Xorg/xkbd scheme ? 

(I remember me hereby to lookup wmaker internal syntax when i'm back - wmaker 
has a very nice shortcut editor, embedded into the wprefs tool, which is based 
on some simple TK btw, and all in all has a real cool design, once you sewtup 
bigger fonts ;) - still nice after so many years of no basic changes! Probably 
it was a predecessor of anything else, but of then, it started with 
Afterstep/Nxtstep so it's partly their merit. 
Have a look if you're interewsted in GUI design)

> User defined shortcuts are being processed AFTER handling of
> 'hard-coded' keys, so some shortcuts can't be redefined.

Think of the reasons why a key is being hard coded in the first place.
Are the original reasons still valid ?

Another way would be to provide a default full shortcut section (derived  from 
an normally unused default table) which is created at installation. I mean the 
local user home installation here - A Good Thng anyway, to see what 's 
available, and more easy hacking.

This implies some circumstance for package maintainers, to add new features to 
existing user configs somehow. In the past user were reuired to reinstall the 
complete gnome session from time to time, to have anything running correctly. 
That was a real bad ugly shit. We should spend some thoughts about a solution 
by design that makes it at least easy for package maintainers to write an 
update script. Any ideas ? (Is the necessary feature something gconf provides 
already ?)   

> Notes:
>         2. There is no distinction between lower and upper key

To get that right: Case insensitive syntax in the syntax file

>         3. Key and action names are case insensitive (but not
>         options!!!)


> A few key bindings have been removed from code:
> Now gcmd looks for the above actions in config, and if any one is
> missing - it will be redefined with its defaults.

Hmmmm...sounds not purely logical to me. How about users who need to disable 
ssome shortcut generally ? (Like handicapped people, or with a bad flakey 
keyboard, or some public kiosk setup...) How about a special shortcut string 
like 'none' ? That would allow to create a full list in the config, at user 
home installation, without requiring you to puzzle out a shortcut for each and 
everything possible. It would also solve the problem of surprising users with 
unexpected new shortcuts after an package upgrade.

> List of currently available actions:

vCan this list be extracted from source code automatically ?

> List of keys:

It would be nice to have the key descriptions somewhere in the package....maybe 
the manpage, for the time being.

cu, mi

ps. Anyone able to provide a initial editor modul which only just spits out the 
correct description for a pressed key combination ?

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