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Re: [Gcl-devel] Current state of the ansi test suite

From: Camm Maguire
Subject: Re: [Gcl-devel] Current state of the ansi test suite
Date: 01 Oct 2002 00:52:11 -0400

Greetings!  I've committed changes bringing the (known) errors down to
17.  So there!  :-) My solutions are ugly in places and in need of
comment from more experienced lispers.

1) I added code to ensure that the order of the arguments to certain
   test functions was preserved, clearing the set-exclusive-or bit.  I
   defined a new keyword :rev, which is interpreted by the internal
   function member1.  I was worried about making set-difference accept
   this key, as it is an official function, so I defined alternates
   like so and used them appropriately:

+(defun set-difference-rev (list1 list2 &rest rest &aux ans)
+  (do ((x list1 (cdr x)))
+      ((null x) (return ans))
+    (or (consp x) (error "SET-DIFFERENCE not passed a list"))
+    (if (not (apply #'member1 (car x) list2 :rev t rest))
+        (setq ans (cons (car x) ans))))  )

 (defun set-exclusive-or (list1 list2 &rest rest &key test test-not key)
   (declare (ignore test test-not key))
   (nconc (apply #'set-difference list1 list2 rest)
-         (apply #'set-difference list2 list1 rest)))
+         (apply #'set-difference-rev list2 list1 rest)))

    Pretty ugly.

2)  I defined a new error function, specific-error, to allow passing
    certain error types from lisp as opposed to C.  The conditions
    system (kcl-cond.lisp) hashes the type keyword *and the error
    format string* as a joint key handling the error type and some
    other data.  Unless the clcs-universal-error-handler is passed the
    precise format string matching the error type keyword, the hash
    lookup will fail and a simple error will be triggered.  So
    specific-error must be called like this:

-                (if (and (eq 'null (car type)) (not (equal size 0)))
-                    (error "Cannot make 'null sequence of size ~S." size))
+                (if (or (and (eq 'null (car type)) (not (equal size 0)))
+                        (and (eq 'cons (car type)) (equal size 0)))
+                    (specific-error :wrong-type-argument "~S is not of type 
+                                    type (format nil "list (size ~S)" size)))

    pretty ugly.

3) I don't know why both member and member1 are needed --the latter is
   the former with an extra call to the key function on the item.
   Should member ever be called using the key only on the list?

@(defun member (item list &key test test_not key)

        setupTEST(item, test, test_not, key);
        while (!endp_prop(list)) {
                if (TEST(list->c.c_car))
                        goto L;
                list = list->c.c_cdr;
        @(return list)

@(defun member1 (item list &key test test_not key rev)
        if (key != Cnil)
                item = ifuncall1(key, item);
        if (rev != Cnil)
        setupTEST(item, test, test_not, key);
        while (!endp(list)) {
                if (TEST(list->c.c_car))
                        goto L;
                list = list->c.c_cdr;
        @(return list)

4) Is it ok to
        a) add implementation specific keywords like :rev
        b) change the hashing in clcs-universal-error-handler to use
        only the error name as key?

Take care,

"Paul F. Dietz" <address@hidden> writes:

> Camm Maguire wrote:
> > 
> > greetings again!
> > 
> > "Paul F. Dietz" <address@hidden> writes:
> > 
> > > Currently, 52 tests are failing:
> > >
> > > 52 out of 2499 total tests failed: LAST-11, LAST-12, LAST-13, LAST-14, 
> > > LAST-15, LDIFF-5, TAILP-4,
> > 
> > Chcking in changes which brings this down to 36.  Please verify.
> Verified, but note I've added some tests so the number of failures
> is up to 46.  The ten new failures are related to :KEY NIL arguments
> to various remove/delete functions.
>       Paul

Camm Maguire                                            address@hidden
"The earth is but one country, and mankind its citizens."  --  Baha'u'llah

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