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[Fsfe-france-gpl] Securing the legal future of Free Software in Europe

From: Georg C. F. Greve
Subject: [Fsfe-france-gpl] Securing the legal future of Free Software in Europe
Date: 23 May 2001 15:52:11 +0200
User-agent: Gnus/5.090003 (Oort Gnus v0.03) Emacs/20.7

Hi all,

Loic and Frederic have told us about your efforts to translate the GNU
General Public License into French. Learning that an authoritative
translation for France was in the making was extremely encouraging
because many people have asked for such a translation in Germany as
well. Seeing that the ball started rolling in France was very good.

This also happens to coincide very well with an idea that came up when
talking to Axel Metzger once - a Europe-wide network of lawyers in and
around Free Software.

Last Sunday I have met with Axel to discuss how these plans could be
coordinated, what would be needed to realize such an European
coordinative effort. I have put what crossed our minds into a draft
called "Bulletproofing Free Software in Europe" that you will find
attached below.

One of the things that came up was that since the intrinsics of local
laws are very often vastly different, it would do no good to involve
every lawyer in the specialized discussions. 

But we need a forum to discuss the big picture and coordinate our
legal strategies and lobbying efforts.

Therefore I have created a FSF Europe mailing list for this called


that I would like to invite everyone on this list to. You can find the
web form for subscription at


or simply send mail to <address@hidden> with the subject
"subscribe" (without the quotes).

I hope that together we'll be able to create an effective European
network to secure the legal future of Free Software.

                Georg Greve

$Id: 05-20-GG-BulletproofingFS.txt,v 1.2 2001/05/21 13:53:33 greve Exp $

Bulletproofing Free Software in Europe
Georg C. F. Greve

* General:

The FSF and the GNU General Public License are very much the backbone
of Free Software. The GPL and LGPL are the predominant licenses used
for Free Software; and not just inside the GNU-Project.

A major reason for this is their carefully crafted balance between the
freedoms of the individual and the interests of the public. Not only
do they grant the four fundamental freedoms, they also protect them. 

Originating in the U.S., they have been written to do this job best
according to U.S. law. As the legal systems are in some parts
significantly different, this left gaps and insecurities that leave
Free Software weaker than it could be.

Especially in countries with strong Free Software activities, the
(L)GPL should be made as secure as possible. Doing this in Europe will
be the job of the Free Software Foundation Europe.

When doing this, it is very important to have a good lawyer with a
strong understanding of copyright law that understands Free Software
and that we can trust. Also everything must be done in coordination
with Prof. Eben Moglen to ensure the original spirit of the GPL is

* Vision:

All the legal tasks should be connected and coordinated on a European
level. At the same time the local laws in Europe are still pretty
different, so the actual work will have to be done on a local level.

For this purpose, we have an internal mailing list <address@hidden>
that is for the lawyers we work with troughout Europe.  This list
should also act as a primer for a European network of FSF-lawyers.

Lawyers and the legal system interact strongly with the political
system and through the Universities and publications in this sector,
it is possible to create a political climate favorable for Free

Also laws and decisions that are potentially harmful to Free Software
will be brought to the awareness of the FSF(E) earlier and can be
modified/countermanded more effectively.

This legal network will allow securing the future for Free Software
much more efficiently than we were able to do this in the past.

* How to proceed:

 - Collect good (!) lawyers in the different European countries and
   invite them to <address@hidden>.

 - In countries with lawyers that we know and can trust: get started
   on an authoritative translation of the GPL that fixes problems
   with the local law. For this we should always have access to a
   lawyer that is a specialist in American legal terminology.

* Current status:

The official translation is already been worked on in France.

In Germany we could get things started quickly.  Possible timeline for
Germany with Axel Metzger and Till Jaeger:

 - Get official "GO" asap

 - Preliminary work based on existing translation until July

 - Organize meeting of Axel & Till with Eben to talk through the
   specific changes that would have to be made while Eben is in

 - Final version would be ready until end of August.

* Ideas:

 - We could make a big conference when the official translations
   (French & German) take effect. This would possibly attract big
   names and give the FSF(E) and Free Software in general a big

 - Axel and I will think about how to get funding from the companies
   in and around Free Software with the legal angle. He'll provide me
   with the key legal arguments and I'll write to them in my position
   as the President of the FSFE. Possibly a very good approach since
   legal security for their business is something every company is
   very interested in. 

Georg C. F. Greve                                 <address@hidden>
Free Software Foundation Europe                  (http://fsfeurope.org)
GNU Business Network                        (http://mailman.gnubiz.org)
Brave GNU World                            (http://brave-gnu-world.org)

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