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Re: [ft-devel] [GSoC] Plans for the Finale of Fuzzing for FreeType

From: Patrick Lam
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] [GSoC] Plans for the Finale of Fuzzing for FreeType
Date: Tue, 10 Jul 2018 14:46:11 -0700

Hi Armin,

On Tue, Jul 10, 2018 at 1:04 PM,  <address@hidden> wrote:
> Does anyone know font geeks?
> ===========================
> If possible, I would love to ditch the "old" corpus since its fonts are huge
> (they are proper fonts) and repetitive (not exactly the initial fuzz corpus
> of your dreams).  While I do know more/less exactly what the perfect fuzzing
> fonts should look like, I would much rather spend my time improving and
> expanding the fuzz targets than creating those fonts.  So, if there are any
> font enthusiasts listening (or if you know any people who would love doing
> that) please step forward; that would really be a great help :)
> Ben (bungeman) already did a great job in providing a base set of sample
> fonts that are optimised for fuzzing (small fonts, few glyphs, concentrating
> on a few, very distinctive features) but there could be a lot more
> (
> truetype/bungeman etc.).
> For reference: I will also contact HarfBuzz and see if they have interesting
> stuff and IF they do, if they would share that with FreeType :)

My graduate student Zeming has been making good progress this term on
TTF bytecode analysis. So we don't have a corpus, but we can now
easily manipulate bytecode for existing fonts. If there's anything
specific you have in mind, we should figure out whether we can make
that happen.


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