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Re: [ft-devel] How to map a char to glyph with pcf

From: duhuanpeng
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] How to map a char to glyph with pcf
Date: Thu, 22 Mar 2018 22:14:21 +0800

Hi, my Korean text is encoded in ecu format in a array like:

const char textkr[] =
Now I have make three trick to map "EUC encoded char" to "Glyph Index" in the 
 [link 1]
my code is based on thie document:
 [link 2]

I was sorry I didn't explain my problem clearly. I want to know if freetype2 
Done this mapping(step [3]) in the library? Or I have to write extra code for 
support it?[link 1]
[1] char buf[2]="\xb4\xeb";
[2] buf &= 0x7F; buf -= 0x20;
[3] buf --> Glyph Index


>Yes, of course – IIRC I've mentioned already in a previous e-mail that you 
>need `iconv'...
Do you mean translate "Unicode" --> "EUC" like :
   $ ls /usr/share/fonts/X11/encodings/
Thanks for this information.

You have to use function `FT_Get_BDF_Property' to extract the 
`CHARSET_REGISTRY' and `CHARSET_ENCODING' fields from your PCF font.
Using this information you can set up, say, function `iconv' to map from 
Unicode to the font's cmap.


  FT2_DEBUG=any:7 ftdump gothic14.pcf.Z

I see


in the debug messages.  The characters in the font are indeed encoded as plain 
KSC5601.  A standard `iconv' call doesn't support this out of the box, I think; 
you have to convert this to the EUC-KR form by adding 0x8080 to each code point 
(e.g. 0x2121 -> 0xA1A1).[1]

This reminds me of good, old ISO-2022, with Emacs as the only editor that 
really supports it :-)



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