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Re: [ft-devel] FT_Render_Glyph(...) errors for high pixel-per-em (ppem)

From: Colin Fahey
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] FT_Render_Glyph(...) errors for high pixel-per-em (ppem) values
Date: Sat, 21 Oct 2017 17:39:32 -0700

Hi, Alexei.

Thank you for investigating the problem I described, and for proposing
two different solutions:

(1) Double the value of FT_RENDER_POOL_SIZE
    (defined in include/freetype/config/ftoption.h).
    (Its original value was 16384L.  Doubling makes it 32768L.)

(2) In the function gray_set_cell(...)
    (in src/smooth/ftgrays.c), make the condition for calling
    gray_record_cell(...) more exclusive:

        /* record the current one if it is valid and not empty */
        if ( !ras.invalid && ( ras.area || ras.cover ) )

    Original condition:

        /* record the current one if it is valid */
        if ( !ras.invalid )


I tested the effects of (1) only, (2) only, and (1) & (2) combined,
for 736,482 glyphs in 334 TrueType fonts -- for 1536ppem, 2048ppem,
and 4096ppem, with various combinations of load flags and render modes.

*    Method (1) by itself was extremely effective, leaving only a
     single error case out of 736,482 glyphs!  (Arial Unicode,
     FreeType glyph index 36452, for 4096ppem.)

*    Method (2) by itself was quite effective, but left 13 error cases
     out of 736,482 glyphs.  (11 glyphs in "constanb", 2 glyphs in
     "constan", for 4096ppem, and only two cases at 2048ppem; details below)

*    The *combination* of (1) & (2) eliminated all cases
     of FT_Render_Glyph(...) returning an error code of 1.


Method (1) is extremely effective, but might not be suitable for
memory-scarce platforms (e.g., embedded systems).  So, I can
understand why the current render pool size should remain at 16384
in the original library code.

Method (2) is very effective, and its refined logic seems like a pure
improvement.  However, it's unclear whether the more exclusive condition
might slow down rendering by some amount, or actually ultimately
speed it up (by better filtering of cells).

Combining methods (1) and (2) is necessary for drawing at 4096ppem.
I speculate, based on the effectiveness of the individual methods,
that the combination might make it safe to draw glyphs at much
larger sizes, like 8192ppem; but, I haven't tested it.



The following numbers are codes for different combinations of load flags
and render mode values.  These numerical codes will be used to indicate
which combinations caused the FT_Render_Glyph(...) to return error 1
at different face sizes (1536ppem, 2048ppem, 4096ppem) for each glyph.

Parameter combinations for load_flags and render_mode:
0 : load_flags=FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING                        render_mode=FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL
1 : load_flags=FT_LOAD_NO_HINTING                        render_mode=FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT
2 : load_flags=FT_LOAD_DEFAULT                           render_mode=FT_RENDER_MODE_NORMAL
3 : load_flags=FT_LOAD_DEFAULT                           render_mode=FT_RENDER_MODE_LIGHT


As indicated above, method (1) (doubling FT_RENDER_POOL_SIZE) is extremely effective,
leaving an error only for a single glyph out of 736,482 glyphs at 4096ppem:

[For each ppem value, 8 combinations of (load-flag, render-mode) parameter values
are tested.  If FT_Render_Glyph(...) does not return an error for a particular parameter
combination, "." is used to indicate "no error"; otherwise, the numeric code ("0".."7")
for the parameter combination causing an error is indicated.]

                                                                        load_flags and render_mode
                                     FreeType                              parameter combinations
file_name                          glyph_index  glyph_name            1536ppem  2048ppem  4096ppem 
ARIALUNI                            36452                             ........  ........  01234567 


As indicated above, method (2) is very effective by itself, but does leave
a few error cases for two font face files:

[For each ppem value, 8 combinations of (load-flag, render-mode) parameter values
are tested.  If FT_Render_Glyph(...) does not return an error for a particular parameter
combination, "." is used to indicate "no error"; otherwise, the numeric code ("0".."7")
for the parameter combination causing an error is indicated.]

                                                                        load_flags and render_mode
                                     FreeType                              parameter combinations
file_name                          glyph_index  glyph_name            1536ppem  2048ppem  4096ppem
constan                               419                             ........  ........  01234567
constan                               425                             ........  ........  01234567
constanb                              143       (U+00006D)            ........  ........  01234567
constanb                              418                             ........  ........  01234567
constanb                              419                             ........  01234567  01234567
constanb                              421       (U+00FB03)            ........  ........  01234567
constanb                              424                             ........  ........  01234567
constanb                              425                             ........  01234567  01234567
constanb                              427       (U+00FB04)            ........  ........  01234567
constanb                              687       (U+000428)            ........  ........  01234567
constanb                              688       (U+000429)            ........  ........  01234567
constanb                              792                             ........  ........  01234567
constanb                              793                             ........  ........  01234567


There were no errors for any of the 736,482 glyphs for face sizes
1024ppem, 2048ppem, or 4096ppem.


I am including this case to show the extent of the errors when
neither method is used.

For the 736,482 glyphs (in 344 common Windows and open-source fonts),
only 10 glyphs (across 8 font face files) caused errors at 1536ppem,
and 64 glyphs (across 23 font face files) caused errors at 2048ppem,
and 363 glyphs (across 36 font face files) caused errors at 4096ppem.

[For each ppem value, 8 combinations of (load-flag, render-mode) parameter values
are tested.  If FT_Render_Glyph(...) does not return an error for a particular parameter
combination, "." is used to indicate "no error"; otherwise, the numeric code ("0".."7")
for the parameter combination causing an error is indicated.]

                                                                        load_flags and render_mode
                                     FreeType                              parameter combinations
file_name                          glyph_index  glyph_name            1536ppem  2048ppem  4096ppem 
ANTQUAB                                61       Z                     ........  ........  01234567 
ANTQUAB                               179       emdash                ........  ........  01234567 
ANTQUAB                               230       Zcaron                ........  ........  01234567 
ANTQUAB                               301       Zacute                ........  ........  01234567 
ANTQUAB                               303       Zdot                  ........  ........  01234567 
ANTQUAB                               424       Zeta                  ........  ........  01234567 
ANTQUAB                               436       Sigma                 ........  ........  01234567 
ANTQUABI                              179       emdash                ........  ........  01234567 
ANTQUAI                               434       Pi                    ........  ........  01234567 
ANTQUAI                               509       afii10033             ........  ........  01234567 
ANTQUAI                               518       afii10042             ........  01234567  01234567 
aparaji                               156       emdash                0123..67  0123..67  0123..67 
arialbd                               594       uni0428               0123..67  0123..67  0123..67 
ARIALUNI                             8460       (U+004E7D)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                             8523       (U+004EBC)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                             9751       (U+005388)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                             9791       (U+0053B0)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                             9792       (U+0053B1)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            10223       (U+005560)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            10815       (U+0057B0)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            10841       (U+0057CA)            01234567  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            11092       (U+0058C5)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            11152       (U+005901)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            12390       (U+005DD7)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            13511       (U+006238)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            15780       (U+006B15)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            17028       (U+006FF5)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            18711       (U+007688)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            19600       (U+007A01)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            19681       (U+007A52)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            20031       (U+007BB0)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            22287       (U+008480)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            24454       (U+008CF7)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            24626       (U+008DA3)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            25222       (U+008FF7)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            25261       (U+00901E)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            25271       (U+009028)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            27122       (U+009763)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            28551       (U+009CF8)            ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            29213       (U+009F8E)            ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            29377                             ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            29885                             ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            29946                             ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            33671                             ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            34670                             ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            35045                             ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            35109                             ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            36452                             ........  01234567  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            37368                             ........  ........  01234567 
ARIALUNI                            38087                             ........  ........  01234567 
BKANT                                 518       afii10042             ........  ........  01234567 
constan                               418                             ........  ........  01234567 
constan                               419                             ........  ........  01234567 
constan                               421       (U+00FB03)            ........  ........  01234567 
constan                               425                             ........  ........  01234567 
constan                               427       (U+00FB04)            ........  ........  01234567 
constan                               792                             ........  ........  01234567 
constan                               793                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                               11       (U+000048)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                               62       (U+000124)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                               63       (U+000126)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              143       (U+00006D)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              401                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              418                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              419                             01......  01234567  01234567 
constanb                              421       (U+00FB03)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              424                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              425                             01......  01234567  01234567 
constanb                              427       (U+00FB04)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              552       (U+000397)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              561       (U+0003A0)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              568       (U+0003A8)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              572       (U+000389)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              641                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              671       (U+000418)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              672       (U+000419)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              676       (U+00041D)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              678       (U+00041F)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              687       (U+000428)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              688       (U+000429)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              705       (U+00040D)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              709       (U+00040B)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              738       (U+000447)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              739       (U+000448)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              740       (U+000449)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              792                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              793                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                              988       (U+00220F)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                             1171       (U+00246A)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                             1172       (U+00246B)            ........  01234567  01234567 
constanb                             1174       (U+00246D)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                             1192       (U+0024EB)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanb                             1193       (U+0024EC)            ........  01234567  01234567 
constanb                             1195       (U+0024EE)            ........  ........  01234567 
constani                             1175       (U+00246A)            ........  ........  01234567 
constani                             1176       (U+00246B)            ........  01234567  01234567 
constani                             1178       (U+00246D)            ........  ........  01234567 
constani                             1196       (U+0024EB)            ........  ........  01234567 
constani                             1197       (U+0024EC)            ........  01234567  01234567 
constani                             1199       (U+0024EE)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                               40       (U+0000C6)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                               41       (U+0001FC)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                              298                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                              299                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                              568       (U+0003A8)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                              641                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                              687       (U+000428)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                              688       (U+000429)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                              796                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                              797                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                              853                             ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                             1175       (U+00246A)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                             1176       (U+00246B)            ........  01234567  01234567 
constanz                             1178       (U+00246D)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                             1196       (U+0024EB)            ........  ........  01234567 
constanz                             1197       (U+0024EC)            ........  01234567  01234567 
constanz                             1199       (U+0024EE)            ........  ........  01234567 
courbd                                 55       T                     ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbd                                287       Tcedilla              ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbd                                289       Tcaron                ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbd                                521       Tau                   ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbd                                588       afii10036             ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbd                               1806       uni021A               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbd                               2249       uni050E               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbd                               2395       uni1E6A               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbd                               2397       uni1E6C               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbd                               2399       uni1E6E               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbd                               2401       uni1E70               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
courbi                               1526       uni050E               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
GARAIT                                144       AE                    ........  ........  0123..67 
GARAIT                                371       AEacute               ........  ........  0123..67 
kokilai                               156       u2014                 0123..67  0123..67  0123..67 
MISTRAL                               650       afii00208             ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                 1267       uni34C2               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                 1968       uni377F               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                 2145       uni3830               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                 2146       uni3831               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                 3268       uni3C93               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                 6115       uni47B2               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                 6369       uni48B0               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                 7263       uni4C2E               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                 7264       uni4C2F               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                 7775       uni4E78               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                11377       uni5C8A               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                11736       uni5DF1               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                15300       uni6BDD               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                15323       uni6BF4               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                15329       uni6BFA               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                15332       uni6BFD               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                15341       uni6C06               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                15347       uni6C0C               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                21112       uni8291               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                22954       uni89C3               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                23900       uni8D75               ........  ........  01234567 
msjh                                28645       uniF913               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                                950       uni34AE               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                               1090       uni353A               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                               1677       uni3785               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                               5797       uni479D               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                               5824       uni47B8               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                               6964       uni4C2C               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                               8225       uni5163               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              10995       uni5C35               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              15010       uni6BE4               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              15021       uni6BEF               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              15026       uni6BF4               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              17483       uni758D               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              18822       uni7AC8               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              19140       uni7C06               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              24225       uni8FE3               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              24267       uni900D               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              24326       uni9048               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              24328       uni904A               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              24346       uni905C               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              24357       uni9067               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              24550       uni9128               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              27147       uni9B4D               ........  ........  01234567 
msjhbd                              28102       uni9F08               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 3926       uni375A               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 6575       uni41B3               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 6584       uni41BC               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 6681       uni421D               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 7685       uni4609               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8082       uni4796               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8083       uni4797               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8085       uni4799               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8086       uni479A               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8087       uni479B               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8088       uni479C               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8089       uni479D               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8090       uni479E               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8091       uni479F               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8092       uni47A0               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8093       uni47A1               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8094       uni47A2               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8095       uni47A3               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8096       uni47A4               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8097       uni47A5               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8098       uni47A6               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8099       uni47A7               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8100       uni47A8               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8101       uni47A9               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8102       uni47AA               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8103       uni47AB               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8104       uni47AC               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8105       uni47AD               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8106       uni47AE               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8107       uni47AF               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8108       uni47B0               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8109       uni47B1               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8110       uni47B2               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8111       uni47B3               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8112       uni47B4               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8113       uni47B5               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8114       uni47B6               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8115       uni47B7               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8116       uni47B8               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8117       uni47B9               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8118       uni47BA               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8119       uni47BB               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8120       uni47BC               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8121       uni47BD               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8122       uni47BE               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8124       uni47C0               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8125       uni47C1               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8126       uni47C2               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8127       uni47C3               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8128       uni47C4               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8130       uni47C6               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8131       uni47C7               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8132       uni47C8               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8133       uni47C9               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8134       uni47CA               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8135       uni47CB               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8136       uni47CC               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8137       uni47CD               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8138       uni47CE               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8139       uni47CF               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8140       uni47D0               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8141       uni47D1               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                 8142       uni47D2               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                17220       uni703D               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                19819       uni7B3E               ........  01234567  01234567 
msyh                                19985       uni7BF4               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                20914       uni7FE8               ........  ........  01234567 
msyh                                23225       uni8982               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               2817       uni904D               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               2822       uni906E               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               2825       uni9080               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               5581       uni3E02               ........  01234567  01234567 
msyhbd                               6046       uni3FD3               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               6478       uni4183               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               6526       uni41B3               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               7607       uni45EC               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               8080       uni47C5               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               8141       uni4802               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               8173       uni4822               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               8281       uni488E               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               8302       uni48A3               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               8687       uni4A24               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                               8691       uni4A28               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              11360       uni5675               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              17176       uni7022               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              22823       uni87D7               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              22869       uni8806               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              22908       uni882D               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24352       uni8E59               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24381       uni8E77               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24399       uni8E89               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24413       uni8E97               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24417       uni8E9B               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24422       uni8EA0               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24678       uni8FB7               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24680       uni8FBA               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24701       uni8FDA               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24702       uni8FE0               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24744       uni9021               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24792       uni9058               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24796       uni905C               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24808       uni9069               ........  ........  01234567 
msyhbd                              24828       uni9082               ........  ........  01234567 
NIRMALAB                             1546                             01234567  01234567  01234567 
NIRMALAB                             1550                             01234567  01234567  01234567 
NIRMALAB                             1560                             01234567  01234567  01234567 
NIRMALAB                             1658       (U+000D73)            ........  0123..67  0123..67 
NIRMALAB                             2276       (U+000C3D)            ........  0123..67  0123..67 
NIRMALAB                             3031                             ........  01234567  01234567 
palab                                 291                             ........  ........  01234567 
palab                                 460       (U+002211)            ........  ........  01234567 
palab                                 664       (U+000428)            ........  ........  01234567 
palab                                 665       (U+000429)            ........  ........  01234567 
palab                                 674       (U+00046A)            ........  ........  01234567 
palab                                 742       (U+000448)            ........  ........  01234567 
palab                                 743       (U+000449)            ........  ........  01234567 
palai                                 665       (U+000429)            ........  ........  01234567 
segoeprb                              680       filledrect            ........  ........  01234567 
segoeuil                             1508       uni046A               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
segoeuil                             1510       uni046C               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
segoeuil                             1586       uni04D8               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
segoeuil                             1588       uni04DA               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
seguisym                             1475       uni2654               ........  ........  01234567 
seguisym                             3573       u1F4FA                ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                               7184       (U+0065DA)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                               7378       (U+00669C)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                               7982       (U+0068F8)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              13802       (U+007FB4)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16580       (U+008A8E)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16620       (U+008AB6)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16646       (U+008AD0)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16648       (U+008AD2)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16674       (U+008AEC)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16706       (U+008B0C)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16735       (U+008B29)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16755       (U+008B3D)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16771       (U+008B4D)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16807       (U+008B71)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16812       (U+008B76)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              16835       (U+008B8D)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17036       (U+008C56)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17037       (U+008C57)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17039       (U+008C59)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17042       (U+008C5C)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17055       (U+008C69)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17112       (U+008CA2)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17122       (U+008CAC)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17130       (U+008CB4)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17177       (U+008CE3)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17241       (U+008D23)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17318       (U+008D70)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17319       (U+008D71)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17664       (U+008ECA)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17667       (U+008ECD)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17689       (U+008EE3)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17702       (U+008EF0)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17756       (U+008F26)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17759       (U+008F29)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              17811       (U+008F5D)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              18311       (U+009151)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              18428       (U+0091C6)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              21790       (U+009EE8)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              21891       (U+009F4D)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              21896       (U+009F52)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              21935       (U+009F79)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              21941       (U+009F7F)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              21965       (U+009F97)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              22939       (U+0037BF)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              25887       (U+004343)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              27035       (U+0047BF)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              27041       (U+0047C5)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              27194       (U+00485E)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              27204       (U+004868)            ........  ........  01234567 
simhei                              27340       (U+0048F0)            ........  ........  01234567 
symbol                                156       arrowdblboth          ........  01234567  01234567 
tahomabd                             1217       uni04D8               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
tahomabd                             2432       uni04DA               ........  0123..67  0123..67 
timesi                                178       emdash                0123..67  0123..67  0123..67 
trebucbi                              159       Omega                 ........  0123..67  0123..67 
trebucbi                              246       Ohm                   ........  01234567  01234567 
Vani                                  648             ........  01234567  01234567 
Vanib                                 291       te_matra_ai           ........  0123..67  0123..67 
vijaya                                112       u2014                 0123..67  0123..67  0123..67 
webdings                              161       computers1            ........  01234567  01234567 
wingding                               59       boxcheckbld           ........  01..45..  01..45.. 
wingding                              136       boxshadowup           ........  01..45..  01234567 

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