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[ft-devel] Delta exceptions handling added to ttfautohint

From: Werner LEMBERG
Subject: [ft-devel] Delta exceptions handling added to ttfautohint
Date: Thu, 14 Aug 2014 20:13:23 +0200 (CEST)


I've just committed code to ttfautohint and ttfautohintGUI to handle a
file with delta exceptions as an additional input file.  The
documentation is not complete yet, but it should be straightforward to
test it.

Let's assume that you have an input font `foo.ttf', and you want to
shift points 2, 3, and 4 in glyph `Aacute' at ppem sizes 12 and 13 by
a vertical amount of 0.25 pixels.  After creating a file `foo.txt'
with the line

  Aacute  p 2-4  y 0.25  @ 12, 13

you can say

  ttfautohint -m foo.txt foo.ttf foo-TA.ttf

to add proper DELTA bytecode instructions to the output font.

   Please test, and enjoy!


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