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Re: [ft-devel] FT_Slot_LoadFunc load_flags info?

From: Ian Britten
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] FT_Slot_LoadFunc load_flags info?
Date: Thu, 15 Oct 2009 09:56:08 -0300
User-agent: Thunderbird (X11/20090822)

Ian Britten wrote:
  [ snip ]
However, I'm now using Cairo some, and am finding my font
not working in some workflows.  It seems to be due to my driver
basically ignoring the load_flags parameter, which I'm now trying
to fix.
  [ snip ]
I'm thinking maybe FT_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM needs to be handled

Ok, maybe all that was too much for one message... :P

How about a couple of specific questions?
- Is a font driver responsible for checking for the presence/absence
  of the FT_LOAD_IGNORE_TRANSFORM bit when loading a glyph?  I
  didn't see any of the other drivers doing anything with it...

Assuming 'yes', what is the correct behaviour?
- If the bit is set, then return the points as I currently am?
  (Ignoring stuff is easy! :)
- If the bit is absent, then ...  transform ... ?? by ??

OTOH, if the IGNORE_TRANSFORM bit isn't my concern, then I must
be pursuing the wrong problem ...

Many thanks for any information!

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