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Re: [ft-devel] git

From: David Turner
Subject: Re: [ft-devel] git
Date: Tue, 2 Jun 2009 19:14:00 +0200

Welcome back tom :-)

In my opinion, reading the following is a definitive requirement for anyone working with git:

Git is very flexible, but the mental model one requires to maintain to use it is much more demanding than traditional VCSes.

I also recomment the Git Community Book for new-comers:

Git has evolved historically from a low-level plumbing tool for real cowboy developers to what it currently is; which is something with a very clunky user interface where making a mistake is extremely easy, and reverting or understanding what happened can be non trivial. Also, a lot of the git tutorials available were written a long time ago and expose too much low-level detail (imho) that will only embarass you. The Git Community Book is really refreshing because it really deals with the most relevant things for typical developers without dumbing down things.

Happy hacking.

2009/5/21 Tom Kacvinsky <address@hidden>

I am looking at getting back into the FreeType project after a five or so year hiatus.  I see
things have moved from cvs to git (skipped svn?)  Does anyone know of a good tutorial
on git?


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