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[ft-devel] porting freetype to Texas DSP C55x

From: Peter M
Subject: [ft-devel] porting freetype to Texas DSP C55x
Date: Thu, 9 Feb 2006 14:23:48 +0100

I have successfully compiled the freetype 2.1.8 engine on Code Composer 2.21 but I expiriance some memory problems.

The problem seems to be with the malloc, free, realloc  functions.To solve the issues there must be used the TI specific




Syntax:                   addr = MEM_alloc(segid, size, align);


Parameters:            Int            segid;      /* memory segment identifier */ 

            Uns             size;        /* block size in MADUs */ 

            Uns             align;       /* block alignment */


Return Value:         Void        *addr;      /* address of allocated block of memory */


Syntax:                   status = MEM_free(segid, addr, size);


Parameters:            Int            segid;      /* memory segment identifier */ 

            Ptr               addr;       /* block address pointer */ 

            Uns             size;        /* block length in MADUs*/


Return Value:         Bool         status;     /* TRUE if successful */


Syntax:                   MEM_redefine(segid, base, length);

Parameters:            Int            segid;      /* segment to redefine */ 

            Ptr               base;       /* base address of new block */ 

            Uns             length;     /* length (in MADUs) of new block */


Return Value:         Void




My questions are:

- Doze someone use freetype on a Texas c55x platform?

- How match RAM dose it use?

- How to rewrite or change the memory object to make it work?



Tanks in advance


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