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Re: [Devel] ClearType-like results

From: James H. Cloos Jr.
Subject: Re: [Devel] ClearType-like results
Date: 14 May 2003 20:39:09 -0400
User-agent: Gnus/5.09 (Gnus v5.9.0) Emacs/21.3.50

>>>>> "Yaroslav" == Yaroslav Rastrigin <address@hidden> writes:

Yaroslav> what should I do to achieve ClearType-like results in
Yaroslav> subpixel-antialiased text rendering ?  After comparision of
Yaroslav> freetype and cleartype outputs, main difference is:
Yaroslav> cleartype engine never "blends" main character shape, and
Yaroslav> only adds brown/blue dots _around_ it.

Cf xft at:

For at least some (well instructed ttf) fonts, I see exactly what you
describe:  the pixels that would be black w/o aa remain so and a few
more pixels are shaded to blend the results.  On this notebook's 133
dpi panel, the result is obscenely great, especially on the italic
glyphs.  The curves look as good as typeset at 2560+ dpi.

I've inlined an example from zilla w/ xft below, showing both roman
and italic.  (NB that it is not a full width crop, so the three lines
of text in the image do not run together....)


PNG image

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