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Re: [Devel] Visual C stuff

From: mly
Subject: Re: [Devel] Visual C stuff
Date: Sat, 16 Mar 2002 19:00:57 +0100

I believe it means something like "the default (base) options for creating
a library are '/nologo /out:...'".  The 'b8' probably comes from the
project name or something.  Try grepping all *.dsp and *.dsw files for 'b8'
and I'm sure you'll find it somewhere.  You then have to make an educated
guess and go in and change the option somewhere in the GUI.  Personally I'd
suggest you just remove it so the library name is "freetype200_D.lib".  All
those version-specific library names are a nuisance IMHO.

-- Mikael

|         |           Werner LEMBERG  |
|         |           <address@hidden>    |
|         |           Sent by:        |
|         |           address@hidden|
|         |         |
|         |                           |
|         |                           |
|         |           2002.03.16 08:29|
|         |           Please respond  |
|         |           to devel        |
|         |                           |
  |        To:      address@hidden                                              
  |        cc:                                                                  
  |        Subject: [Devel] Visual C stuff                                      

I've updated the Visual C files in the stable branch.  Please test.

Can someone please explain what the following line means:

  # ADD BASE LIB32 /nologo /out:"lib\freetype200b8_D.lib"

What is the `b8' in the file name?  The old data was for 2.0.6;
anyway, the `b8' seems not correlated to it, so I haven't changed it
(which is probably wrong).


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