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[freesci-develop] Clarification on the Glutton sound subsystem update

From: Christoph Reichenbach
Subject: [freesci-develop] Clarification on the Glutton sound subsystem update
Date: Thu, 25 Dec 2003 02:50:23 +0100
User-agent: Mutt/1.3.28i

Hi everyone,

just to clarify: The last commit completes the glutton sound subsystem
infrastructure, with the exception of its configuration scheme. The
system basically consists of the following units, some of which are

The polled sound event checker: This part merely serves to compute
sound events. It is separate from the part that plays sound, but
re-uses its /song iterators/, which are the internal representations
we use for songs and sound effects.

The /song player/: This can be almost anything that takes a song
iterator and plays it. Right now, the only implementation is a rather
internal one which makes use of a /sequencer/ and a /timer/.

/timer/s are things that allow certain callbacks to be invoked
semi-regularly. They are used by /song player/s and /mixer/s to handle
audio output.

/sequencer/s take individual MIDI commands and output them in some
fashion appropriate for the hardware they abstract. They may also use
certain lower-level /device/s. /software sequencers/ are a special
breed of /sequencer/s that do not require a /device/, but, instead,
are hooked into the global /mixer/.

The /mixer/ is a singleton object that accepts input data from several
/feed/s, converts it, mixes it, and converts it to the correct output
data. Then, the mixer computes how much data to output and feeds its
aggregated /pcm_device/. The mixer is one of the two entities invoked
by a /timer/.

A /feed/ is an abstract source of data for PCM mixing. It can be
finite in length. A mixer must be able to accept an arbitrary number
of feeds simultaneously.

A /pcm_device/ is an object that abstracts on an output device capable
of emitting PCM-based audio. It is aggregated and invoked by the
global /mixer/. /pcm_device/s may provide an associated /timer/, which
is preferrably chosen as the global /timer/ when deciding on which
timing mechanism to use globally.

An /audio buffer/ is a queue (FIFO) that handles "buffer underruns" by
copying the last 'sample' it received. It is commonly used by
/pcm_device/s, /mixer/s and certain /feed/s, such as those employed by
/software sequencers/.

I hope you're all sufficiently confused now. I'll write a better
description if I ever get hold of the partially LaTeXified revised

-- Christoph

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