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Remote access of distributed multipatched arrays

From: Arno Candel
Subject: Remote access of distributed multipatched arrays
Date: Sun, 06 Apr 2003 16:00:33 -0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (X11; U; Linux i686; en-US; rv:1.3) Gecko/20030312

Hi everybody,

I encountered a problem doing local if-statements using multiple values of several distributed multipatched brick arrays to calculate the value of one such array.

Below I have included a simple test program which shows the relevant problem. Three 3D distributed multipatched brick arrays are created and allocated on different domains and thus on different patches. Two arrays are now used to calculate the values of the other array, using local if-statements. Both a "stupid serial" and a "parallel" version of the calculation part are implemented. The use of data-parallel expression or stencils was not possible, in my view.

The "stupid serial" version runs flawlessly, but takes far too long on parallel execution, as every node does all the work.

Unfortunately, the "parallel" version crashes when executed in parallel (mpirun -np 2 Test -mpi) as remote access to values of distributed arrays seems forbidden. Due to the different domains of the multiple arrays, they are differently stored on the contexts and simultaneous local access is not possible everywhere. Now, I would expect that there is a way to allow remote access via communication in a loop over local patches. This would still scale much better than the "stupid serial" version.

I would greatly appreciate your suggestions and comments.
Arno Candel

simple test program:

#include "Pooma/Pooma.h"
#include "Pooma/Particles.h"
#include "Pooma/BrickArrays.h"
#include "Pooma/Arrays.h"
#include "Utilities/Clock.h"
#include "Layout/GridLayout.h"

struct FillB { double operator()(int i, int j, int k) const { return i*sin(i*j/2.0)/(k+1); } }; struct FillC { double operator()(int i, int j, int k) const { return k*cos(3.0*j*k)/(i+1); } };

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
   Pooma::Clock clock;
   double time;
   Inform pout("Test");

   Loc<3> ex=Loc<3>(1,0,0);
   Loc<3> ez=Loc<3>(0,0,1);
int MX=3,MY=4,MZ=7; // dimensions of calculational domain Loc<3> blocks(1,1,Pooma::contexts()); // parallelization along z-axis GuardLayers<3> intguards(1), extguards(0); // one internal guard layer, no external guard layer GridPartition<3> Part=GridPartition<3>(blocks,intguards,extguards);

   // Create three distributed MultiPatch brick arrays
// with differing domains and thus different distributions among contexts
   Array<3, double, MultiPatch<GridTag, Remote<Brick> > > A, B, C;
Interval<3> ADom=Interval<3>(Interval<1>(1,MX), Interval<1>(1,MY), Interval<1>(1,MZ)); Interval<3> BDom=Interval<3>(Interval<1>(0,MX), Interval<1>(1,MY), Interval<1>(0,MZ+1)); Interval<3> CDom=Interval<3>(Interval<1>(0,MX), Interval<1>(1,MY), Interval<1>(1,2*MZ));
   GridLayout<3> Alayout = GridLayout<3>(ADom,Part,DistributedTag());
   GridLayout<3> Blayout = GridLayout<3>(BDom,Part,DistributedTag());
   GridLayout<3> Clayout = GridLayout<3>(CDom,Part,DistributedTag());

   B=Array<3, double, IndexFunction<FillB> >();
   C=Array<3, double, IndexFunction<FillC> >();

   // "stupid serial" version
   for (int i=ADom[0].first();i<=ADom[0].last();i++)
   for (int j=ADom[1].first();j<=ADom[1].last();j++)
   for (int k=ADom[2].first();k<=ADom[2].last();k++) {
       Loc<3> x(i,j,k);
       if ( (B(x+ez)<0.5) && (C(x-ex)>0.3) ) {
pout << A << "\nstupid serial version took " << clock.value()-time << " secs" << std::endl;

   // "parallel" version, iterate only over local patches of A
for (GridLayout<3>::const_iterator it = Alayout.beginLocal(); it != Alayout.endLocal(); it++) {
       for (int i=it->domain()[0].first();i<=it->domain()[0].last();i++)
       for (int j=it->domain()[1].first();j<=it->domain()[1].last();j++)
       for (int k=it->domain()[2].first();k<=it->domain()[2].last();k++) {
           Loc<3> x(i,j,k);
           if ( (B(x+ez)<0.5) && (C(x-ex)>0.3) ) {
// problem: local patches of A might not contain needed values of B and C and remote access is forbidden!
               // Will crash in parallel execution!
pout << A << "\nparallel version took " << clock.value()-time << " secs" << std::endl;

   return 0;

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