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[Freeipmi-users] ipmi support with HP iLO2 servers initial success!

From: Christopher Maestas
Subject: [Freeipmi-users] ipmi support with HP iLO2 servers initial success!
Date: Tue, 24 Aug 2010 16:29:25 -0600


With the recent update of the 2.00 iLO2 firmware, we can now support:

   - "IPMI over LAN" functionality. The IPMI 2.0 RMCP+ (or Linux ipmitool
   "lanplus") protocol is supported with this release.
   - IPMI Serial Over LAN (SOL)
   - Data Center Manageability Interface (DCMI) v1.0 specification
   - Enhanced the "in band" Intelligent Platform Management Interface (IPMI)
   to comply with the IPMI specification version 2.0

I've been able to use ipmitool to test this successfully (power, SOL and
sensor gathering).  Here's what I do with ipmitool:
# rpm -q ipmitool
# ipmitool -I lanplus -H cut0iogw1-ilo -U USER -P PASS power status
Chassis Power is off
# ipmitool -I lanplus -H cut0iogw1-ilo -U USER -P PASS power on
Chassis Power Control: Up/On
# ipmitool -I lanplus -H cut0iogw1-ilo -U USER -P PASS power status
Chassis Power is on

For freeipmi (ipmipower) I found the following combination worked:
# ipmipower -h cut0iogw1-ilo -s
cut0iogw1-ilo: authentication type unavailable for attempted privilege level
# ipmipower -h cut0iogw1-ilo -D LAN_2_0 -s
cut0iogw1-ilo: on
# ipmipower -h cut0iogw1-ilo -D LAN_2_0 -f
cut0iogw1-ilo: ok
# ipmipower -h cut0iogw1-ilo -D LAN_2_0 -s
cut0iogw1-ilo: off
# ipmipower -h cut0iogw1-ilo -D LAN_2_0 -n
cut0iogw1-ilo: ok
# ipmipower -h cut0iogw1-ilo -D LAN_2_0 -s
cut0iogw1-ilo: on

I set the following in /etc/freeipmi.conf:
driver-type LAN_2_0

and it seems to work ok for the lo100 and ilo2 servers just fine.
# ipmipower -h cut0iogw1-ilo  -s
cut0iogw1-ilo: on
# ipmipower -h cut0admin1-lo  -s
cut0admin1-lo: on

I figure there may be other functional tests for ipmi compliance I can run
now that the initial flags have been worked around for freeipmi's ipmipower
command.  Then I figure on changing powerman/conman to use ipmi drivers for
ilo devices and see how that works.


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