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[fluid-dev] Trouble installing fluidsynth on win 10

From: Eric Oswald
Subject: [fluid-dev] Trouble installing fluidsynth on win 10
Date: Tue, 13 Nov 2018 11:39:35 -0800

I've googled this and asked around on reddit and stackoverflow for days before writing to you. I can't get fluidsynth to install in windows 10, seemingly because of errors with the install methods. So these questions are more about msys and cygwin, but I haven't gotten anywhere asking other sources.

1) I tried installing and updating msys per the instructions. I did the first round of updates using pacman and got the instruction to close the console and open again. WHen I did the 2nd round of updates the console closed itself after a few minutes. When I tried to open it again I got a message saying windows couldn't find bash and the console won't open. I uninstalled and reinstalled 3 times, each time with the same result. I found someone else who reported the problem on stackoverflow but they never got a response. I reposted the same question and didn't get a response either.

2) I installed cygwin and checked every option I could for the libraries you listed as required. When I tried to run cmake I got an error saying  CMake Error: Could not create named generator MSYS Makefiles

I also tried downloading the native cmake program for windows, but midway through the cmake process it couldn't complete because there was a problem with the source files.

Any help would be appreciated. I would love to be able to use fluidsynth but am at a loss here.

I'm not sure how your mailing list works, but I can be contacted at address@hidden if it doesn't automatically send me replies.

Thank you

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