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[Firefly-dev] "lets decide soon!" /gimpy/

From: firefly-dev
Subject: [Firefly-dev] "lets decide soon!" /gimpy/
Date: Wed, 2 Apr 2003 09:52:21 -0800 (PST)

alright i guess im gonna have to throw some stuff into
the mix here. i see john wants it to be
platform-independant and able to be used by several
programs. sql has already been done. ( and
marco said it is available on all platforms (i think
he said that). i can see pros and cons of sql.

pros: fast, plugin friendly
cons: have to setup a sql server during install of
firefly (possible), sql flaws may be exploited
(requiring sql updates)

i realize our data wont be crucial to the survival of
mankind, but i dont like the thought of an exploitable
software designed by us (by me to say the least).

if sql is used, librarians wont have to learn sql. it
can have an automated setup during install, along with
automated updates of sql and our software. they will
never notice that its there. they wont notice perl,
python, xml, etc. as long as ui works, theres no
hitch. and lets take a walk through reality. how many
other programs will there be to use firefly? maybe
many, maybe none. i think if there will be plugins,
sql is great. yes xml will be standard on the format,
but so will sql on its returned data. but john also
said that his whole inspiration came from reading a
column that said it would be great for a xml standard
so any program can use the data. but what data would
be more efficiently read from xml than by sql? if that
is the way he feels and that we should direct all our
effort towards that, then i have no problem doing so.
the sql has already been done. if we are gonna follow
in koha's steps, then lets grab their source and see
how we can hack it. if we want standard format just to
say we have one, or to one day have other programs use
that data somehow for some reason, then lets get deep
into xml. 

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