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[ff-cvs] fenfire/docs CodingConventions.rst

From: Tuomas J. Lukka
Subject: [ff-cvs] fenfire/docs CodingConventions.rst
Date: Tue, 09 Sep 2003 08:15:28 -0400

CVSROOT:        /cvsroot/fenfire
Module name:    fenfire
Changes by:     Tuomas J. Lukka <address@hidden>        03/09/09 08:15:28

Modified files:
        docs           : CodingConventions.rst 

Log message:
        Arch commit: more coding conventions


Index: fenfire/docs/CodingConventions.rst
diff -u fenfire/docs/CodingConventions.rst:1.2 
--- fenfire/docs/CodingConventions.rst:1.2      Mon Sep  8 06:01:24 2003
+++ fenfire/docs/CodingConventions.rst  Tue Sep  9 08:15:28 2003
@@ -12,6 +12,8 @@
+Rules are obligatory for code included in fenfire
 - each Java file should contain the boilerplate copyright and
   license notice (see e.g. org/fenfire/Fen.java).
@@ -33,18 +35,18 @@
 - Each class should start with the line (not indented to save space)
-public static final String rcsid = "$Id: CodingConventions.rst,v 1.2 
2003/09/08 10:01:24 tjl Exp $";
+public static final String rcsid = "$Id: CodingConventions.rst,v 1.3 
2003/09/09 12:15:28 tjl Exp $";
   except interfaces, which should have
-String rcsid = "$Id: CodingConventions.rst,v 1.2 2003/09/08 10:01:24 tjl Exp 
+String rcsid = "$Id: CodingConventions.rst,v 1.3 2003/09/09 12:15:28 tjl Exp 
   This will pull in the version identifier from the CVS file.
-- For debugging log messages, use the code
+- For debugging log messages, use code like
     public static boolean dbg = false;
     protected static void p(String s) { System.out.println(s); }
@@ -53,11 +55,9 @@
   to print out messages. The System.out.println() is too verbose to insert
   into code. This code can be added to the beginning of any class.
+  Debugging can then be turned on like ::
-  NOTE THE CHANGE FROM PREVIOUS: due to Java's handling of certain String
-  concenations, we now prefer not to use separate methods for non-debugged
-  and debugged logging. The former way used resources needlessly on
-  every log message -- even if debugging was turned off.
+    make run_fenpdfdemo DBG="-d org.fenfire.foobar.Foo
 - Avoid both under- and overdocumenting.
@@ -82,6 +82,51 @@
 - make your code such that it can be compiled in jikes +P (pedantic),
   JDK1.1.8 and JDK1.2.2 without warnings or errors.
+Conventions are less absolute than rules - they are allowed to be broken
+but usually it's good form to follow them.
+- Import first the most generic packages (i.e. java.util, ...), then 
+  the more specific ones (i.e. neighbouring package &c)
+- avoid importing * unless there is a reason (note: a reason, not a *good*
+  reason)
+- In jython, don't import too much. It's preferable to do ::
+    import vob
+    from org import fenfire as ff
+  and then use, e.g. ``ff.swamp.Nodes``, `ff.Fen`` &c. 
+  Jython is a weakly typed and soft language so it's much better to give
+  the reader a little more context.
+Variable names
+- Avoid single-letter variable names, except for obvious cases such as
+  loop indices or coordinates.
+- If there's exactly one object of a given class that's relevant in
+  a certain method, name the variable decapitalized. This is *especially*
+  important in Jython, where code can get really hard to read.
+  It's sometimes hard to resist the temptation to abbreviate the name
+  but remember: **ALL** the time you win that way someone else (or you) will
+  lose later multiple times when trying to read the code.
+  See also the Tips section below for why abbreviations are not needed.
+- At the very least, document data! Document data members of classes,
+  especially in Jython.
 Tips (for speeding up work)

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