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Re: [Fab-user] using sudo and rm/mv

From: William Liu
Subject: Re: [Fab-user] using sudo and rm/mv
Date: Wed, 3 Dec 2008 23:27:28 -0800

Comments inline

On Dec 2, 2008, at 11:26 AM, Christian Vest Hansen wrote:

On Mon, Dec 1, 2008 at 8:08 PM, William Liu <address@hidden> wrote:
I've recently stumbled upon Fabric and its been a great tool. Things have been working great, but one slight problem. In my script, I have a few
calls which do some filesystem manipulation, specifically removing a
directory (rm -fr olddir) and renaming (mv newdir olddir) -- I'm using
'sudo' to do this on a remote machine.

Even though on the remote machine, the call goes through (e.g. the directory
is removed), locally, I get an error saying the sudo operation failed
(subsequent Socket closed). To get around this, I've simply used the 'fail' kwarg and set it to 'warn'. I was wondering if there was a specific reason
why this is happening, or if I'm doing something wrong -- thanks,

Are you running Fabric on Windows? Because I have a feeling that
there's a difference in how threading works on win32 vs. *nix, but I
don't have access to a Windows box so I can't test that theory (or my
code, for that matter).

I'm running it from Ubuntu (Hardy 8.04) to a remove machine also running Ubuntu (Hardy 8.04).

Appart from that, stuff like the version of paramiko, OSes, what SSH
server you connect to, is good to know when trying to figure this one
out. Also, the version of Fabric and some fabfile code with the shell
output you get.

I installed paramkio via apt-get on Ubuntu so its 1.6.4-1.1
And using Fabric v. 0.0.9

Here's some sample fab code I used:

def test_rm1():
    set(fab_hosts = ['somehost.com'],)
    sudo('rm /foo.txt')

def test_rm2():
    set(fab_hosts = ['somehost.com'],)
    sudo('rm -fr foodir')

Here's the associated output:

Running test_rm1...
Logging into the following hosts as foobar:
Password for address@hidden:
[somehost.com] sudo: rm /foo.txt
Error: The sudo operation failed on somehost.com:
    Socket is closed

Running test_rm2...
Logging into the following hosts as foobar:
Password for address@hidden:
[somehost.com] sudo: rm -fr foo
Error: The sudo operation failed on somehost.com:
    Socket is closed

Thanks again for the help,



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Venlig hilsen / Kind regards,
Christian Vest Hansen.

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