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[Erptravel-announce] ton coffee shop

From: Rosabel Baldwin
Subject: [Erptravel-announce] ton coffee shop
Date: Wed, 13 Sep 2006 01:31:21 +0300

WhenSterl paused to reload he peered through the smoke.
But almost miraculously the mob weredriven into the mud before they could attempt a rush back.
Dann wouldnot spare the time to track them. Somewhere pretty close to these trees, on the side away from the open. Thats in our favor,Benson, take Larry and Roland on guard. Her darkly dilatedeyes betrayed her terror. Silently the five rose from behind the fringe of brush, to peer over thetop.
Wal, if you ask me we oughta load our guns, drawled Red.
The abo did not resemble Friday inany particular.
We wanta be close behind thatstampede or the crocs will get us! Pard,put yore hat on somethin an stick it up, all same old times.
Upon their return to camp, Lesliewas waiting in distress.
Farther upstream, muddy-backed crocodiles, as huge as logs, piled intothe river.
I doubt if your parents shouldinfluence your decision here.
Now the trekkers approached the end of the downs.
Farther upstream, muddy-backed crocodiles, as huge as logs, piled intothe river.
Beryls response was surprising and significant. But many of the weak dropped by the wayside.
I figger thatkillin some of them would stop their doggin us.
Jest a chance to know an fight for a man!
The gray gloom made the campfire fade into a ghostly flicker. But the crocodile came on, got over his depth, anddisappeared. It could not have been a bullet, for no reportfollowed.
Yells of alarm from the drovers across the river drew from Dann a boomingorder: Stay over there! WhenSterl paused to reload he peered through the smoke.
But Fridaywhispered: More better black fella go alonga bush corroboree.
The mob had moved upriver of its own volition.
Benson and Bligh went slowly and hesitatingly under the shelter.
Friday said to Sterl and Slyter, Tinkit more better boss wait alongasun. Thecolor appeared to be a cast between brown and red.
Slyter, your girl has indeed grown up on this trek, went on Dann.
One of the drovers across the river hailed Dann:They broke and ran.
She was beyond thinking of what her actionsbetrayed.
Its turribleto worry over the other people.
He puffed a cloud of smoke which hid his face. Flies will come bye and bye,replied Slyter.
Released from a wall infront, the mass behind piled frantically into the river. You never cantell about what a man will do. When the cowboys arrived, the cattle had begun to lie down, too exhaustedeven to bawl.

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