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[Enigma-devel] Some i18n issues

From: Fòram na Gàidhlig
Subject: [Enigma-devel] Some i18n issues
Date: Mon, 07 Jul 2014 21:39:05 +0100
User-agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:24.0) Gecko/20100101 Thunderbird/24.6.0

I hav done some testing for my translation (Scottish Gaelic - gd) and
have come accross a few issues:

1. Is it possible to fetch the following string with ngettext:

src/gui/LevelMenu.cc:312 src/gui/LevelPackComposer.cc:348
%s: %d levels

Slavic languages will also profit from this change

2. String length issues in the credit screen (tested with a resolution
of 640 x 480 on Windows 7, Enigma 1.20):

a. Gaelic for "OK" is "Ceart ma-thà", Which is considerably longer. It
would be great if we could make this button just a little bit wider, so
the writing won't touch the edges

b. The following string gets truncated:

Please refer to the manual or the next pages for full credits.

Thoir sùil air an leabhar-mhìneachaidh no na h-ath-dhuilleagan airson
cliùtha shlàin.

"shlàin." already appears above the navigation arrows and the . at the
end is off screen. I tried fixing this with a \n, but the renderer
apparently can't parse it.

That's all, folks, everything else seems to be working perfectly. Also,
I have reached 95% with my translation, and most of the missing strings
are the Dante + Oz levels, so I think we're ready to go adding gd to the
menus :)

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